Tuesday, July 21, 2009



July 21, 9:33 a.m.

(For this point you will need to begin reading at part nine first.)

There is something I want to address before I pick up again on the last point in my five-part message. (I have no intention of doing this again.) I feel like the visiting preacher who was blasting cigarette smoking while preaching in Winston Salem, North Carolina. He said, "I know what some of you are thinking... we won't have you back again, I know (he shouted) that's why I am giving it to you now!"
So, if you never want to again read what I write, "fine," but try to show the courage of your professed convictions and read what I write this time only: then let's see if you still feel the same way about certain people you have supported in the past.

Many years ago my pastor would periodically ask me to bring messages on one (or more) of the many radio programs the church sponsored or the weekly television show we had. At that time we had several small-market radio stations and two 50,000 watt stations (north/south) which had the potential to reach one-half of the population in the United States. For me personally, I could always count on the most response (good or bad) from four topics: eternal security of the believer, government-run education, abortion, and the KJV.
I am certain the pastor had his own hot-button issues that garnered a lot of response, but I always got the most mail from those four issues. Arbitron, based on mail received, estimates the market-share of an audience at any given time. Since only a very small fraction of any audience ever takes the time to actually write and then mail a letter, the more mail received after a program meant there were more listeners.
They would also factor into their equation the subject matter being discussed; naturally the more controversial the material the more angry some would become and the more letters would be mailed: because of that they also have a factor they use to make an adjustment so that the audience numbers are not unfairly skewed.
(Bear with me and I will explain why I am telling you this.)
If I have a total of a little more than 2,300 "hits" to my blog (page views, etc.) and I get three negative emails over things recently said about Obama, then either the numbers are skewed... because that would mean in such a small "market," (only 2,300 readers) many times that number would like to write. But, they either do not want to waste their time, or haven't the courage, etc.
Or, there's another reason! And I believe it is this one... guilt. (I'll explain that in a little while.)
When I decided to try and write again (on my blog) on a somewhat regular basis I determined that I would not use it as a bully-pulpit. In any debate it seems that the person who "speaks" last wins. Regardless how well-reasoned the opponents argument might have been. Since it doesn't cost me anything to sit here and type, it seems unfair to rail on an individual letter writer, or three... as the case might be. So, please understand, I am not trying to do that. What I am going to do, rather than just say that Obama, and Clinton, and others like them are evil men... I am going to show you evidence of their evil ways and let you form, perhaps, a more educated opinion of them.
Tom Lamb, who at the time was president of Rexair, came to the office that my brother and I had on Preston Highway in Louisville. He was there because a major magazine had written an article tearing down a product we sold.
The article was unfair and untrue: not because I sold the product do I say this. The testers had used a substance that we, in writing, had previously stated would not work in our system. They tested using it anyway and of course it failed. In other words, they already had a bias and the test was specifically set up to make the product fail.
I did some research on the comapny and found much product bias and many inaccuracies in past reporting.
I was prepared and I detailed to Tom what ought to be said in major newspapers that he, as president of the company, could purchase space in. He listened and then he said that as he traveled around the country he would like to, "Carry me in his pocket and bring me out anytime someone argued against our product." Then, he said something astute: "You don't pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel."
He knew, and I knew that with what I had we could win the argument in an open and public debate. But, they would always get the last word... they owned a magazine!
I told you that story because in this forum I can always get the last word... it costs me nothing to sit here and type my thoughts. And that I realize might be patently unfair to you, that is if you are silly and disagree with me. (Honestly, I am only joking with that last sentiment.) Let's begin.
Aesop had his fables and many times they told truth through a fabricated story. I am going to also make up a short story, but mine will be loosely based on Matthew 7:15-20.

I have an errand to run, I will be back in a few minutes.

11:25 a.m.

My fable will be about a talking tree: this talking tree of mine represents Bill, and Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and all other deceivers.

I went to the nursery and purchased a pear tree. I knew it was a pear tree because it said that it was. I even said, "You don't look like any pear tree I have ever seen."
But it said to me that I "...should not judge by what I see, judge by what I say, and I say to you that I am a pear tree." So, I purchased the tree and took it home and planted it in my garden. I waited patiently for its fruit as I love the fruit of pear trees.
Much to my chagrin and surprise, when the fruit fell to the ground it was not a pear, rather it was an avocado fruit which lay on the ground. I chided the tree and called it a liar and a deceiver and I threatened to cut it down... why cumbereth it the ground?
But, it pleaded and with gentle words it said that it was in fact a pear tree and this bad fruit which came from it was an aberration... and would I please give it another chance to bear pleasing fruit?
I waited patiently and again the fruit which continued to fall from this tree was always an avocado, pits and all. The tree was a liar and a deceiver... I was right in the beginning, it was never a pear tree, it only pretended to be something it was not so that I would take it home with me.
(The End)

(For reasons of my own I picked an avocado to represent Bill, it might only be funny to me.)

Matthew 7:15-20 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit: but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
Notice that Jesus does not say by their words ye shall know them. It is always by their fruit (deeds) ye shall know them. Clinton, Obama, and their ilk can say till the cows-come-home that they are "Christian," but if their fruit, which is their actions are evil continually, then they are corrupt and still children of the devil.
Let me give you a few facts about these men and why I say they are evil to their core. First though, do you understand what partial-birth abortion is? The doctor takes a child in the process of being birthed (head-first) and he forcibly turns the child into a breech-position which is feet first.
He then delivers this live baby, exposing the complete body but he is careful to leave the head still in the womb. Now he takes a long, sharp, hollow tube and he forces it into the back of the head of the baby. Now he hooks this hollow tube to a powerful vaccum and he suctions the brains from the dying infant.
During Clinton's tenure, and on two separate ocassions Clinton overturned Congress in stopping this barbaric procedure. House bill H.R. 1833 banned doctors from killing children by this horrific method. Clinton, a son of the devil vetoed this bill: not once, but twice! Forty-six Republicans and twelve Democrats wanted this stopped. The heathen Clinton, wanted it to go on.
Obama, as a junior senator from Illinois voted against the "Induced Infant Liability Act." In essence the bill would have given life to any child who survived the evil intent of the abortionist. Obama voted against it. If a child survives an abortion procedure and is "fully birthed," Obama believes the baby should still be killed. He is a monster!
Before Obama, the Democrats who ran for president had as their party platform on abortion the words, "safe, legal, rare." When Obama was selected to represent the Democrat party, one of those three words were removed: care to guess which one? The word rare was removed. Obama is a monster!
March 9th, 2009 with the words, "All right, there we go," he reversed George Bush's ban on stem-cell research. Now Obama, and the godless Nazi's of WWII have something else in common, besides there final residence in Hell: experimentation on embryos. Obama is a monster!
Immediately after the thirty-sixth anniversary of Roe v Wade, Obama had 50 million dollars sent overseas to support countries that force pregnant girls to murder their children. Obama is a monster!
In 2001 under President Bush, he cut off all funding to UNFPA because of many documented cases of girls being forced to kill their children. Under Obama that has been repealed and in addition he also had overturned a rule that has been in effect since Ronald Reagan was president. It was called Kemp-Kasten and no money was given to any country that forced girls to kill their offspring. Under Obama that has been reversed. Obama is a monster!
Douglas Johnson said, "One effect of Obama's order will be to divert many millions of dollars away from groups that do not promote aborting, and into the hands of those organizations that are the most aggressive in promotiong abortion in developing countries." Obama is a monster!
You remember when I wrote that sometimes people respond because of guilt. I think it is because it is impossible to separate your involvement in the horrible deaths of these children if your vote helped to put such people into office.
I have had people say that because Clinton, Obama, voters, etc. did not actually kill the un-birthed children, then they are not culpable. If that is true, and by the same reasoning, Adolph Hitler killed no Jews! I have searched, and I can find no evidence that Hitler, with his own hands physically killed a single Jew.
Yet, I, and most people who are not clinically insane say that he was a barbaric murderer: why? It is because he set in motion the mechanism and had a desire to see Jews slaughtered. The same way I say that Clinton, Obama, and all who holds to their animalistic views have a hand on ever scalpel that penetrates the soft flesh of all un-birthed children.
If you don't want to read me again... great! But, if you read all of this then you at least know something more than you knew before about certain evil presidents.
Hopefully, the next time I write I will pick up again on my fifth point.
You can always email me at clarkmatthews1@aol.com