Monday, August 09, 2010


08/09/10 12:27 pm


Before I get to the main point of this blog, let me say this first about true missionaries: I admire this group more than any other in the Lord's work. And by “missionary” I only mean those... who by their testimony, which is their life and their own words are actively spreading the Gospel of Jesus the Christ. However, I neither admire nor respect those who are only humanitarians. I read the other day where some 40 different billionaires are going to give half their wealth away to different charities. “ho hum” who cares? I mean, I can guarantee that none of those charitable gifts by these particular lost men will be going to groups whose sole purpose is to spread the good news of Christianity.

If any Christian wants to help a lost person by giving them food, drink, clothes, shelter, etc. etc. etc., then go ahead and do it: but if at the same time you are not witnessing to that person or explaining that you are only helping because of Christ, then YOU ARE NOT DOING THE LORD'S WORK! All you are doing is making yourself “feel good” and that is all the reward you will ever get.

There was in Louisville what I thought was a good work for the Lord in that they fed, clothed, and gave shelter to many poor and homeless people throughout the city. The only “catch” was that these people they were taking off the street had to hear a Gospel message in order to be provided a place to stay and food to eat. During the time they did this, I supported their work and I felt that they were fulfilling exactly what the Bible taught about helping. Then, one day, I read in the paper that they were no longer going to require that people coming into their mission had to hear a message on salvation. What a coincidence, it just so happened at the very same time they stopped this preaching requirement... I just happened to quit supporting them. Sort of weird how that happened... isn't it?

You see, on that date this down-town mission quit doing the Lord's work and they became humanitarians... and those people are a dime-a-dozen. You can go to any art auction or black tie dinner in Louisville, which is usually attended by the more wealthy and more corrupt people in the area, and in that crowd you will see dozens of these crass sinners who are also “great humanitarians.” What an absolute joke!

I hope, at least those who are saved and are reading this blog are aware that when you help someone... it is not to be done from the goodness of your heart. There is an altogether different reason for doing it and it has absolutely nothing to do with you!

For this next part I am only talking to the saved: I want you to think of someone you know personally, and not just a person you have read about. The reason for this is that I want you to be able to ask them a particular question after reading this blog. When I describe what I am looking for I want to know who the first person is that pops into your head and fits what I am asking for: ready? Here it is; Who is the very best Christian you know?

Now, just to be certain that you actually know what it means to be Christ-like, i.e., Christian... the person who just popped into your head: are they the best soul-winner in your church? If not, then you did not pick the best Christian you know! For, the best Christian in any group of believers will also be the same person who is the most ardent and busy about winning people to the Lord. Now that you know who it is to ask the question... here is what I want you to ask. “(Insert name here), among all of the people that you have led to the Lord, how many of those lost people came up to you and asked how to be saved... based on how great a Christian you are?” (Keep in mind that he or she is a “great Christian” … at least the best that you know.) Though I do not know who this particular soul-winner is... I promise I can describe their reaction. It will be what follows in the next paragraph.

Their eyes will open wide and their mouth will fall open... as they begin wild bouts of laughter... which soon weakens their knees and they fall to the floor howling and screaming with hilarity: soon they're reduced to saying... “Stop, stop, my sides hurt... please, don't ever say anything that funny to me again... I don't think I could take it.”

The reason I wrote that to you is that I want to put to bed, then kill, and finally bury the insane idea of life-style evangelism. It is not found in the Bible and no one in the history of the church has ever been saved that way. The only thing the Bible teaches and knows anything about is confrontational evangelism!

This falsehood, lifestyle evangelism, was started and is carried out today by disobedient and lazy pastors who are too cowardly to stand in front of a stranger and tell them they are going to hell without Christ!

The reason I wanted to explain that is what I began writing about today on my blog: that is the killing of what AOL described as ten “Christian missionaries” in Afghanistan. Now, to be sure, not all ten were missionaries... or even Christian. For example, Dr. Karen Woo was a lost humanist. So, her death was a simple and cowardly act of murder carried out by some lost heathen Muslims. However, there were others who were murdered (among the ten) that their death would at least fall under martyrdom. They were killed by some in the Taliban because they recognized them to be Christian.

The problem is this... these people died in vain because the organization they worked for... International Assistance Mission (AIM) stated that none of their workers, though Christian they might be, were even allowed to carry a Bible, nor were they allowed to witness their Christian faith! I have a question... WHY THEN ARE THEY THERE?

Look, there is enough lost humanitarians in the world already. No Christian should ever represent a work where they can not witness their faith to those they come in contact with. Jesus said it best... “Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.” (Matthew 8:22b)

In other words, let those who are spiritually dead bury those who are physically dead. Why? Because the Christian has something more important to do: that is... spread the Gospel of Christ! Another way to say it would be... “Let those who are lost (humanitarians) feed, clothe, and give shelter to all lost people.” The Christian has something better to do: that is... spread the Gospel of Christ!

I'm sure by now there are some reading this who falsely believe that we are supposed to help the downtrodden and poor among us, in fact... isn't there verses that teach that? The short answer is an emphatic, “No!”

The problems arise when people do not read their Bibles often enough and they only remember bits and pieces of what they have read. Let's look at just a few passages so I can show this truth.. Then, you ought to begin studying on your own to see that the idea of being “your brothers keeper”... is exactly that... YOUR BROTHER!

Read the Olivet discourse found in the book of Matthew. For this blog I want to call your attention to Matthew 25:34-46. In these verse you will see what drives many humanists and humanitarians to action in the sole pursuit of only trying to help those less fortunate, and by “help” I mean in a physical way only. Sad to say, but there are many well-meaning saved people caught up in this as well.

The Lord gives a long list of people needing help: hungry, thirsty, naked, in prison... etc. etc. etc. He then tells the righteous among them that they had helped Him (Jesus) when He was found in this way. Then, some queried and wanted to know when the Lord (Jesus) was found this way? (hungry, in prison, etc.) The, the Lord answered in Matthew 25:40: “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” … Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least OF THESE MY BRETHREN! (MY BRETHREN!!!)

Look, it is always right and acceptable to help anyone, saved or lost who needs help... as long as you witness to the lost as you are giving them aid... otherwise you are only a humanitarian (at best) or a humanist (at worst): and the world needs no more of either.

Look at Mark 9:41 to see this same truth. “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” Notice, the given cup of water to slack a person's thirst is “given in the Lord's name.” And the reason it was given... “because ye belong to Christ.”

If all you ever do is to help someone physically without telling them the reason for it: i.e., you belong to Christ and you are helping them because of Him... then you are only a self-serving individual who wants the praise and glory of men. Trust me... you are not furthering the Gospel of God and you are doing both yourself and God a great disservice as you are missing wonderful opportunities to witness to the lost and dying world!

Remember, lifestyle evangelism is false... these people whom you have helped will never come up to you and ask how to be saved simply because you have shown them a kindness. However, as you are showing them this kindness, witness and tell them of the love of God which constrains you and that is the ONLY REASON you are helping them. Otherwise, they will just think that you are a “nice” person... and who needs that?

That is why I began this blog writing about what a terrible waste of “missionaries.” Believe me though, no one is a missionary who does not carry a Bible and actively, not passively, witness to the lost they come into contact with.

In the first part of this blog I stated that helping people has nothing to do with you, and for the Christian that is true. When you help people it must always be about Him... in that way, He... not you (or I) gets the credit for whatever good is done.

Remember, you are not responsible to see anyone get saved... however, you are responsible to witness to them and give them that opportunity. Then, the Holy Spirit takes over and if a person has faith they now have the same chance that at one time was afforded to you... get saved or not, it is your choice! Also, keep in mind that the idea of letting your light shine before men does in no way mean that you are not to witness with your mouth. It only means that as you have a good testimony before God and man, then the lost are more likely to believe your words when you tell them about the saving power of Jesus!

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