Friday, July 24, 2009



I began this fifth and last point in part nine. I encourage you to begin reading that before reading this post.

July 24, 10:45 p.m.

I began with the idea of this message by trying to list a few things that many churches do today that is not in keeping with basic Bible teaching. I stated that there are many "sacred cows" which seem to be off-limits to criticism or second-guessing.
This point will be one of those where there is no Bible reason in the world to be a part of what has become a rotten institution; yet, many (otherwise sound) fundamental churches teach that Christian's are to maintain a presence within this group.
I challenge every pastor who teaches this to back your teaching up with Bible verses, in context. I submit to you that you can not do it! So, I humbly ask that if you are still going to continue teaching this same error... then please, at least have the common decency to quit pretending that you are a Bible believer.
Keep in mind that there are only three institutions in the entire world that God Himself ordained and started: marriage, human-government, and the church. Only those three are to always have a witness for God within them. Everything else... and I mean everything else which becomes corrupt... Christians are ordered to... "come out from among them."
Many years ago I flew to Dallas, Texas to meet doctor Donald Howard: founder of A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education). He made one statement that was worth the entire trip... if I learned nothing else. He said, "Most Christian's are humanists in their thinking." Then he proved his statement with the following illustration; He said, "Imagine that Moses had just led all of the children of Israel out of Egypt. And then he was given the Ten Commandments from the hand of God and all of the instructions on how to live and rear their own children. Dr. Howard then said... "How big of a fool would Moses have been to say the following: 'Okay everyone, each morning I want you to pack little Susie and Johnny's lunch in a brown paper bag and have them wait at the bus stop to be taken back into Egypt and to be taught in all of the Egyptian's ways'"
Moses would have been a fool indeed! Dr. Howard was right... that is exactly what most Christian's in America are doing. Having escaped the pollution of the world through Jesus the Christ, they are sending their children back into a Godless atmosphere to be taught in the ways of the heathen by mostly heathen teachers.
Are you aware that in the present day government-run school system that most of the ideas implemented by the godless NEA, which are then carried out in classrooms all across America, were the ideas of a child of the devil named John Dewey. Dewey was a signer of the Humanist Manifesto, an anti-God manifesto where man and not God is the center of the universe. Dewey lived his life and based his whole concept of living on Darwin's silly belief in macro-evolution. Dewey is considered and called by all (lost) modern educators as the "father of modern education." They are actually proud of this lost son of Belial.
There would be little point for me to take the time and begin to fully list how Godless the American government-run school system is today. It would be impossible for you to not already know that. From sex-education starting at third-grade level, to free condoms, to classes teaching alternative lifestyles (Bobby has two mom's), to death education, to God, by an act of Congress, being ordered out of the government-run school system, to taking under-age girls to have their un-birthed babies murdered, without permission or knowledge of the child's parents, etc. etc. etc., they are corrupt to the core. That I believe is a given.
And of course, those reasons along with another several dozen more are why no Christian should ever have any part whatsoever in that corrupt atmosphere. But, I also want to tell you another reason why they ought to be forsaken, they are terrible at what they are supposed to do... that is giving an education to children! They are abject failures in this matter.
If you doubt this let me give you just a few examples: Children who are trained in American schools, fall well below most every other country on Earth in basic education. Example, South Korea, China, Japan, are only three of a dozen countries which outrank us in almost every single category, and many of the other countries which educate their children better and are listed in published reports are what we in America would refer to as... "third-world countries." In addition... are you aware that as a professional group, it was reported with information from the U.S. census bureau that public school teachers in Wisconsin sent their own children to private schools for their education at a percentage rate of three times that of the average American citizen. 31.4 percent of the public school teachers surveyed stated that their own children were trained in private schools... not the government-run school they "taught" in.
Look it up online and you will find similar reports from California to New York to Washington D.C. In fact, this holds true throughout public education. It is because even the people who work at the schools know what academic failures they are.
I have had people say to me that if every person who named the name of Christ immediately pulled out of public education that it would fail... immediately. My answer is always the same: "So what... let it fail." Show me Scripture where Christian's are supposed to "prop up" or even support Godless institutions.
I say again... "Let it fail!"
I want to show you just one headline of a hundred I could show you which proves how deceitful and dishonest the NEA is in trying to get around the fact that children who are trained in the private sector will (across the board) score higher on standard tests which are given to measure academic progress. Every year when I taught in a Christian school we would administer the very same tests which were given to students on the same grade-level in the government-run school system. Our students, like almost all private school students, tested well above the national average: when compared to the public school student. The graduation-rate for students in the private sector for high school is nearly double that of the public schools. And there is no contest for the number of students who graduate from private school going on to college for more education... percentage wise, the public schools are fortunate to just get a kid to receive their (watered-down) high school diploma, let alone furthering their "education."
I am going to write verbatim a headline from a published paper I just read online: PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAVE EDGE IN MATH. This is the part where I want to show you how deceitful many public educators are and how low they will stoop in trying to appear as if they are better at educating children then the private sector.
Many of these people are hoping that you will only read the headline and not look deeply into the story. I knew the moment I saw it that it was a lie! All I had to do was read just a few paragraphs till I found how they skewed numbers in their favor.
The article began this way: "Though private school students long have scored higher on national assessment..." A more common name for this is the "nation's report card." It is a way to assess whether or not a child is actually learning.
So, I read the first part that private school students have always tested well above the private sector, I wanted to see what trickery they used to skew the numbers in their favor; it came within just a few paragraphs.
Please read the story for yourself online... otherwise you will believe I am making it up. Surely these people can not really be this ignorant... I thought. Then I figured that they might have been trained in a public school... now it made sense.
Here is how they arrived at their headline that "Public Schools Have Edge In Math." The article picked up with these words: "The new study used advanced statistical techniques to adjust for the effects of income, school, and home circumstances."
I had the best laugh I have had in weeks... nearly fell out of my chair. Here is exactly what they did! If you are an inner-city black... four extra points, if you are below the poverty level... three extra points, if you are in a one-parent home... six extra points, if you are in a troubled school... five extra points. In reality, the article doesn't state the actual point value they gave to each circumstance... but that is what they did. They arbitrarily assigned a point value to different circumstances and cheated their way to better numbers.
According to their own report, let me give you the "raw scores" which are the actual scores the students got from the tests which were administered. The private school students tested 14.3 points higher than the public school students! But, once they assigned values for being poor, one-parent households, etc. they gave the public school students a 3.4 percentage edge. WHAT AN ABSOLUTE JOKE!!!
So help me, if I were a black person I would be absolutely outraged that some white liberal Democrat believes that I am so ignorant that intellectually it would be impossible for me to compete on a level playing field with my white counterpart... so, because my skin is black I have to have points added to my test. Not that they were earned, but they were given to me by white men because God had me birthed to parents with dark skin. Does this make anyone else angry? I'm not black, yet I'm upset for you.
Today, in America, what I just wrote about assigned point values for black students is a common practice in public colleges throughout America to determine admission to their school. If you are black and reading this I have a question for you. Doesn't it make you angry that there are some black leaders... but mostly white Democrats that believe because you have black skin that you are naturally more ignorant than white people and you need a helping hand? Ridiculous, isn't it?
The other thing I have heard is that Christian's need to be involved as teachers in public schools so they can witness their faith. I only have one word for that... LIAR!
Oh, you might say that, but you don't do it. Try it and see how long you are employed. It is a heathen system and they do not tolerate teaching about God. Even if you are saved your hands are tied by the text-books which teach lies that damn the souls of its students. And you, who say you are Christian are espousing the teachings of the devil. If you say that isn't true I dare you to try this: Stand up in your class and tell the students that evolution is a fairy-tale and Christ alone saves. If you are born-again you believe that, don't you? Then try saying it.
You cannot justify being in a heathen environment by saying you are a witness for God... but you never actually witness.
How long would you support a foreign missionary if he taught the natives all about their pagan gods but never told them about Jesus? That's all you are as a public school teacher... a purveyor of lies taught and distributed by lost people.
I was invited to address a classroom of graduating students from a state college. These were young people who had earned degrees and were planning on going into teaching. But, I did it the right way. I began by asking how many in the room were Christian's? I then spent 40 minutes telling them to forsake any idea of teaching in a public school. And to those who did not raise their hand I witnessed to them. You see, I treated it as a heathen mission field and I unashamedly witnessed my faith. So, if you want to go to a public school and do that... have at it. But anything less, then you are a compromiser and are disobedient to the command to "come out from among them and be ye separate."
Was I invited back to that college? Absolutely not... that's why I let them have it the first time! I honestly believe the main reason that many who say they are saved send their children to a public school, and here it is... "the love of money..." Public schools might not cost you any out-of-pocket expenses... but it could well cost you something much more precious... the eternal soul of your child. I say to you with all sincerity... if you have to live in a cardboard box under a bridge in order to send your children to a Christian school you ought to do that rather than send them to be trained in the ways of the world by lost people.
I taught in Christian school... I know the pay is lower. But I used to say to people, "The pay might be low, but the benefits are out of this world!
When we were packing to move a few months ago I came across a video tape that I did not know existed. It is a message that I preached on television about 25 years ago. Keep in mind that at that time VHS recorders were not plentiful like they are now. Sandwiched between old tapes of the girls when they were little is a message I brought when the best president of the last century held office: Ronald Reagan.
I sat and watched it the other night when I was ready to type the last part of this message. And I thought that if a person were to view it today that not one single word would have to be changed from then to now. Except the schools are more corrupt and the drop-out rate is higher. Also of course, they weren't yet so wicked that kids were killing other kids, that would come soon enough though.
In conclusion let me restate: get out of the public schools. You are working from the devil's play-book and not God's whenever you stay within a corrupt and Godless environment. GET OUT NOW!!!
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