Wednesday, August 11, 2010


08/11/2010 1:50 pm

What is Christianity?

In the past there have only been a few times that articles I read actually made me laugh-out-loud... at least stories which were written as news articles and not a parody or something written tongue-in-cheek. (Until yesterday, I think the last time I laughed-out-loud while reading an article had to do with Ted Kennedy. That particular news story stated that Kennedy was sitting on a board of an “ethics committee.” The name Kennedy (any Kennedy) and words like ethics or morals used in the same sentence is as incongruous as would be putting president Obama in charge of a neonatal class of infants and expecting any of the children to survive.)

The latest article which caused me great hilarity was a story on an Anne Rice decision and her publicly saying that she was “renouncing Christianity.” My first thought, and what initially caused me to laugh-out-loud, was the fact that you can not renounce what you have never embraced. (As a writer I would have assumed that she would have known that.) I then found, as I read further, other things in the story that were also quite comical. And the balance of what I read is what I am writing about on my blog today. (Also, if any of you note that this story is several days old... that is because I do not pay to read the rag newspaper: Courier Journal. I only read it as I find an old one in the break-room at work. Because of that, this story was already two days old when I first saw it.)

I used the title What is Christianity because apparently there are a lot of people out there who arrogantly believe that Christianity can be twisted into whatever belief system they care to adopt. True Christianity is today, as it was from the beginning a very black-and-white type of faith; with little to no ambiguity found anywhere within the pages of the Holy Bible.

In her rant she listed several reasons why she was quitting on Christianity. Among those reasons are: she refuses to be anti-gay. Of course, both Testaments – Old and New strongly teach against this aberrant lifestyle choice and this particular practice is an abomination before God. Read Romans 1:24-32 and you will see that because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge that He (God) gave them over to a reprobate mind, that is found in verse 28. “Reprobate” when used as an adjective means; ...Rejected by God and without hope of salvation.

So, to Anne and all reprobates like her, it is not your choice what practices you choose to like or dislike... Christianity is not a buffet meal where you are free to partake of only what suits your palate or temperament. This “meal,” (which includes all beliefs and practices found within the Bible) has already been set by the King and all of it is to be received AND accepted.

Anne also wrote that she will not be anti-feminist. I'm not even sure what she means by that. The Bible is not against women either. However, women... just like men all have certain roles in life. And one role is not to be mixed with another. For example: that is why there are many churches (under the umbrella of Christianity) that are sinning against God by promoting women clergy: which is something the Bible emphatically forbids!

She further wrote that she refuses to be anti-Democrat. Again, another statement without much explanation. However, I as a Christian, am not against democrats per se; however, I AM AGAINST the Democratic party and will continue to be that way as long as their party platform is to butcher helpless babies in the womb. My contention today is as it has always been. No Christian should ever vote for another person who is going to promote and help those who murder innocent babies. It's just this simple: if you personally, just like God, are against killing helpless babies... then why would you ever help a person who will kill the un-birthed... gain an office? Especially when you know beforehand that they will use their position to further these barbaric acts which are perpetrated against our own children.

Now, for me, the most telling of all of her statements (which attests to her lost condition) is most probably the next one, and the last I will comment on. She refuses, in her own words, to be anti-secular humanist! What an absolute fool she is!!!

I wonder if she even knows what the term “secular humanist” means? If she does, how can any logical person believe that the two could have ever been compatible: for they are polar opposites... Christianity and secular humanism!

Anne Rice, of course, is a lost person. She was before she wrote this recent Facebook article and she continues to be so to this present time. It is not that she is giving up anything that she already possessed. She, and any others who might be like her, are only proving that the Bible is always true as they are fulfilling I John 2:19: “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”

Remember: “Christianity,” first and foremost is trusting Jesus for your eternal salvation... beyond that it is about following what Christ taught all throughout the Bible. You can not pretend to be His follower while denying everything that He taught. Plain and simple... it is not about what you think is right or wrong... it is about Him and the absolutes He taught as to what is right or wrong! Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

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