Friday, December 11, 2015


Friday December 11, 2015 9:33 pm

And... I'm not even sure why???

I was wondering if it could be (at least in part) because the weather is not at all cooperating? As I sit and type this blog it is 64 degrees out (and raining) and that is as cold as it will get until morning, when it starts warming again on its way to above 70 degrees for Saturday!

When I was much younger I did spend two Christmas seasons in California... and neither of those seemed much like Christmas either. I mean, there's something incongruous about having a palm tree in the front yard and a Christmas tree in the living room. So, I admit the weather is probably playing a part, but there is more to it than that, I'm sure.

It's even more than just the fact that I don't feel good tonight... off and on I've had a headache for several days. I suppose that this is some sort of virus causing it as there are several people I know who has voiced similar complaints. But there is more to it than that, I'm sure.

It's even more than the fact that one of our dogs is dying. Stella is a very sick little 'girl' and if the Lord will not heal her or take her on His own that will fall to me to raise my hand against her... something I also HATE!!! But there is more to it than that, I'm sure.

It's even more than the fact that if I live the "threescore and ten" the Bible speaks of then beginning with the new year I will be in single digit numbers for the trips left to me to circle the Sun. But there is more to it than that, I'm sure.

There is also a lot of daily sadness in the world. Loved ones die, families live on the street, heathen, cowardly, animals both here and abroad attack and kill innocent men, women, and children. But there is even more to it than that, I'm sure.

Tonight as I sit here it seems less like Christmas to me this year then it has in the last 25 years! Nonetheless, I still say to shoppers several times a day... "I hope you have a merry Christmas!" I wonder if inside they feel like I do right now, "Yeah right!"

If it wasn't for grandchildren stopping by I could not even imagine going to the trouble of decorating. However, dutifully, a couple of weeks ago Deb put the tree up and two days ago I got the tall ladder out and hung our lighted star and angel.

Most probably it isn't one single thing... but a thousand small things that in and of themselves each would be nothing more than a nuisance: however, cumulatively they take on the form of a real weight.

Tonight in ending this and keeping with tradition I would like to wish everyone who reads this a very merry Christmas!

(But, inside just so you know... psst, can you keep a secret between friends... what I really mean is Bah humbug!!!)