Saturday, August 22, 2009


August 22, 6:57 a.m.

Islam, the religion of peace (ROFLOL) is at it again. A young Christian convert, 17 year old Rifqa Bary is under court protection in Orlando, Florida because she fears for her life from her own family if she goes back to her Ohio home: she has good reason to fear.
In February, Muzzammil Hassan, a United States businessman who headed up a muslim television station beheaded his wife. A few weeks ago, (July 27) in Somalia four young Christian converts, Fatima Sultan, Ali Ma'ow, Sheik Mohammed Abdi, Maaddey, Diil) were captured and beheaded by muslims after they refused to renounce Jesus. This same thing happens all the time in Jordan and other countries with the radical muslim religion.
I can show you an easy to understand analogy as to why Islam is a false religion and cult: I will do it by explaining the difference between two fences. Why did East Germany put up a fence (wall) to separate their country from west Germany? Why is America erecting a fence to separate us from Mexico? The answer: east Germany had to erect a wall to keep people from escaping their own country! America has to put up a fence, not to keep its citizens from escaping, but to keep others from invading!
Islam is a false religion because they have to threaten people to keep them from escaping that cult... the exact same thing the Mormons, J.W.'s, Moonies, etc. etc., do. Though the last three cults I mentioned usually doesn't resort to violence to try and keep their converts as prisoners.
Keep in mind that any religion, country, etc. that has to threaten its people with bodily harm to keep them from escaping is bad.
Today, the door is open, inviting all people from every fasle religion and cult on Earth to come and accept Christ as Saviour. It takes a great deal of courage for these people to leave the lies of Islam and convert to faith in Christ... and I for one, applaud them. The muslims are right about one thing... there is only one God: however, it is not who they think, it is the Lord Jesus the Christ! God is good!
Christianity is the true "religion" of peace, not Islam.
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