Friday, February 19, 2010


February 19, 10:45 am

I was wondering this morning how man watershed moments does a person have in their lifetime? I suppose that it must be different for every person. In fact, some people might live their lives in their entirety without ever experiencing an epiphany that you just know, and deep down (in the place where we all live) that a change has occurred: and not a small change at that, but a sea change which will affect your life well into the future. (Just in case anyone is keeping count... this will be the third “watershed moment” in my life. As with the other two: the reasons for them and the resulting decisions have and will continue to be mine alone... and private. Although, over-time, the resulting changes might have well been obvious to any who knew me.)

The one that I had this morning (and it is of no import whatsoever the root-cause of the instantaneous decision that I made) is only important because a decision has been made. Also, when I used the word “epiphany” I am not using it with the usual connotation of having to do with religion; I am only using it in the sense of a sudden revelation: albeit, non-religious.

Probably a dozen years ago I saw a movie titled “The Edge.” It was somewhat of an entertaining movie, though I doubt any one won any awards from it. But, there were some lines in it that I thought of when I decided to write about this subject matter on my blog this morning. Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin are the two main leads in the movie and they become adversaries, after having been, if not friends at least associates through work.

After surviving a plane crash Hopkins find that he is still in danger of losing his life, first from the elements, then a bear, and finally from a supposed friend, who had become his enemy and tries to kill him. At some point Hopkins decides that if he gets through all of this that he is going to change his life. And by change, the inference is to a dramatic change and not just some subtle change in day-to-day living. He tells Baldwin of his decision and Baldwin then asks if he (Hopkins) ever knew anyone that has done that... really changed their life?

What follows are the words I thought of when I experienced my own revelation, followed by a quick decision this morning. Hopkins said, “... I never knew anyone who did actually change their life. I'll tell you what... I'm going to start my life over!”

Then, Baldwin sarcastically answers, “Yeah... you'll be the first.”

In the movie Hopkins had been what most people would consider wildly successful, yet, he didn't see that at all. In fact, early on you can see him struggling with the idea of knowing many different things, however, they weren't things that were necessarily useful or practical. At one point he said, “I seem to be able to retain all these facts, but putting them to any useful purpose is a different matter.”

In a lesser degree than what Hopkins was supposed to be capable of in the movie... I can sort of relate to that last sentiment. I can hear someone say something, and in my mind I can think of a dozen different quotes, poems, facts, or stories that either lend support or teach against what I just heard. Yet, I am at a total loss to see what useful purpose having this knowledge has ever given me?

Later in the movie we will see that knowing some of these seemingly “random” things saved his life: not once, but twice; first from the bear and then from Baldwin.

I have many dates in my mind that mean something to me: yet, to others they would have no meaning whatsoever. In fact, numbers have also been important to me as well as dates and times. If I had the money that Hopkins' character in the movie was supposed to have had... I would be considered just a little eccentric. However, with my present bank account I would more than likely just be called “crazy” because of such proclivities. In reality I would not be one to necessarily argue that last point with anyone, and to add to that distinct possibility of being crazy... today, February 19th will be another day that will be important to me. Perhaps, one day I will look back from a far future date and know that February 19, was a true watershed moment!

If you read today's blog and begin to wonder if you have ever had such a time... a “watershed moment?” Even without knowing or ever meeting you I can answer that for you... you haven't. Because if you had you would not have to “wonder” about it... you would instantly be able to recall such a time because they (watershed moments) are always and forevermore... life changing!

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