Tuesday, November 10, 2009


November 10, 5:30 am

As a follower of Christ: have you ever heard; How do you know that Christianity is right? If not that question exactly, I bet you have at least heard some derivation of the same thought. In truth, I think the question is both fair, and rather easily answered. Before I give you the answer to it though, I would like to add one thought about the person who asks this type of question.
I think it is a fair question to be asked by any lost person who is seeking Christ. I also think it is a fair question to be asked by anyone who is lost and presently caught up in a false religion. In other words, every person who is lost ought to be wanting to know the answer to that question. But, if you say that you are born-again (by faith in Christ) and you still have that question... then I would encourage you to search your soul and try to make certain that you have been converted. Although there have been things in my life (since conversion) that has caused doubt in my soul: believing that Christ alone is the only way to be granted eternal life has never been one of them.
I want to give you some examples of men from other religions before I give my "proof" why Christ (Christianity) is the only true-path to follow.
Mohammed, who founded Islam died June 8, 632 and was buried at a mosque in Medina. His flesh rotted from his bones many centuries ago and what remains of him is still there to this day. 2,641 years has passed since his death and his remains are still dormant and will not be called up by God until the general resurrection.
Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) was cremated in 483 BC and his ashes was buried beneath eight different mounds in Utter Pradesh. 2,492 years has passed since his death and like Mohammed, Buddha awaits the general resurrection from God.
Confucius died and was buried in Qufu, Lu (Shandong Province) in 479 BC. 2,488 years has passed, and Confucius, along with Buddha, and Mohammed all await the general resurrection from God.
Ganesha, (Hinduism) never died. The reason for that is that he never lived. I just had to write about him because I have an aversion to a big, fat elephant riding atop an itty-bitty mouse. (lol)
You can name all of the men and women since time began who have been worshipped as a "god," and you will find a singular truth: all of them died and their flesh rotted from their bones... except for One only; Jesus the Christ.
Christians can not take you to a place where the remains of Christ are, and that is because His body remained in the tomb for three days only; then He rose from the dead thereby proving He was God as he often said (in Scripture) He was!
Before finishing this blog I would also like to give you a few facts about Islam that all Muslims would agree with me are true. The reason I do this is because next to Christianity this religion has the most followers. First: Mohammed is NOWHERE prophesied about in Scripture. Secondly: Mohammed never said he was God and no Muslim believes that he is. Thirdly: He never performed a single miracle in his lifetime. Fourth: After his death he was not resurrected.
With just those four facts alone I have a question. Why is Mohammed even followed. He lived as a man and died as a man. The difference is that Jesus lived as God and performed many miracles. Then, after dying on the cross to pay for mankind's sin: He rose from the dead proving that He was not a mere man, but God in the flesh. John 1:14a "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." You can always email me at clarkmatthews1@aol.com