Wednesday, September 02, 2009


September 2, 9:23 a.m.

There are many false prophets and false teachers within Christendom today. Most, I believe, fill the television airwaves on a daily basis. There is though, according to the Bible a very easy test to tell they are not sent from God... they prophesy falsely. That is... what they say and predict does not come to pass.
If you are a follower of any person other than Christ and if you want to know if God speaks to these people, then apply Deuteronomy 18:20-22 to all of their teachings! It amazes me that someone will still follow and believe a teacher or preacher who has made past predictions which have failed. Keep in mind that only one prophesy has to fail in order for us to know that he (or she) is a lying prophet and not sent from God.
I know of a local group which follows a man, believing him to be a god, and I have (written) copies of several past predictions he made which failed. Do you know what this group has done about this? Instead of applying the Bible to his predictions and then admitting their leader was a false teacher... they simply expunged his false predictions from later books they wrote about him. Can you imagine any honest follower of Christ doing something like this? In addition to their leader not being from God, it also speaks of their own lack of conversion in that they will try to deceive people in the future who does not have a copy of this man's original failed teachings.
In addition to a much smaller group like what I just wrote about... there are much larger groups of people who are also following a leader who was not sent from God. Example: Seventh-day Advent, Mormons, and JW's. How do I know these people and the groups they founded were not sent from God? It is easy... I applied Deuteronomy 18:20-22 to predictions made by Ellen White, Joseph Smith Jr., and Charles Russell. In addition to other bad teachings, each one of these people falsely predicted the return of Christ. Incidentally, so did the above false leader I first referenced. Remember... I have copies of his earlier false predictions. I also have copies of the later writings where his failed predictions have been expunged by dishonest sons and daughters of Belial.
Many years ago I first became interested and studied (major to minor) cults throughout the world. Recently I just finished (in total) 16 (more) hours and 27 (more) pages of typed material exposing some of these people and their teachings.
Though, I, by the grace of God, would never be so foolish as to predict an exact time the Lord will return... I believe we are very close.
"... look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28b) You can always email me at