Friday, September 04, 2009


September 4, 1:00 a.m.

Yesterday, not long after writing a funny comment on FB from Shakespeare (in a play he wrote where Lord Chief-Justice rebukes Falstaff for portraying himself in the camp of the young) I was asked why I read about these men and women of long ago? The short answer would be that it interests me. The long answer is that I can tell by reading their writings what the mores of the people were during their era, and because of that I can more accurately gauge how much longer America has to stand as a nation. And that answer... drum roll please... according to history, is not much longer.

Before I explain that let me give you (in part) some of the lines in this play... they are quite funny.

Falstaff: “You that are old consider not the capacities of us that are young...”

Lord Chief Justice: “Do you set down your name in the scroll of youth, that are written down old with all the characters of age? Have you not a moist eye, a dry hand, a yellow cheek, a white beard, a decreasing leg, an increasing belly? Is not your voice broken, your wind short, your chin double, your wit single, and every part about you blasted with antiquity, and will you yet call yourself young?” (I don't care who you are, that description of Falstaff and old-age in general is just plain funny. I especially love... “a decreasing leg, an increasing belly?” ... “your chin double, your wit single...” (roflol))

Falstaff: “My lord, I was born about three of the clock in the afternoon, with a white head, and
something of a round belly. For my voice, I have lost it with hollaing, and singing of anthems. To approve my youth further, I will not: the truth is, I am only old in judgment and under-standing...”

Enough of Shakespeare, he was deviant in his personal life, it is just that he wrote some hysterical lines.

Sinful behaviour, from individuals to a collective whole... always begins as secret sin. Example: Cain killing his brother and hiding his body. In other words, he tried to keep his sin secret. America used to be that way. Everyone knew that this nation, as well as all other nations, had terrible sins its people were hiding. The reason for this is that all men are sinners, as such... we sin. God understands that and has provided a remedy... Jesus the Christ! “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)

I write that part to only say that a sin-cure, which is an acceptance of Christ by an individual will lead to eternal life for that individual: however, we know that a nation of people will not repent and believe. Because of that fact, as nations “age” its people (which are comprised in overwhelming numbers of the lost and damned) become more ungodly and in the open with their sins. From Sodom, to Rome, to America... the end is always near when deviant behaviour is on public display and is coddled by even those who would not themselves be debased by such practices.

I want to quote just two paragraphs on the Roman Empire's change (over time) in their thoughts as it related to homosexuality. This might help everyone see how we, as individuals to a nation, go from condemnation of sinful behaviour... to acceptance... and finally to embracing and defending deviant behaviour.

“Homosexuality in ancient Rome features in many literary works, poems, graffiti and comments on the sexual predilections of single emperors. Graphic representations are, on the other hand, rarer in ancient Rome than in classical Greece. Attitudes toward homosexuality changed over time and from context to context, ranging from strong condemnation to quite open acceptance. Indeed, it was also purported to be one of the cultural facts of certain provinces.”

“In the early Roman Republic, pederasty with freeborn boys was considered a degenerate Greek practice and as such was generally condemned. As Greek attitudes gradually became accepted in Rome during the late Republic and early Empire, however, a new form of same-sex relations emerged that was quite different from homosexuality in ancient Greece, but owed much to it. As men, particularly the pater familias, wielded complete authority in Roman society.”

Are you also aware that until 1973 homosexuality was designated as a mental illness, and "homosexual" was used by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to denote men affected by this mental illness. Of course, all of that changed when Americans began to embrace all manner of sinful behaviour. Keep in mind though that God never changes... only sinful people become more so: until their death and the judgement which awaits.

Let's look at a couple of facts. Are you aware that there was not a single death in America from AIDS during the time that homosexuality was considered aberrant behaviour indulged in by the mentally ill? Within three years of the medical association declaring that homosexuality was not because of mental illness... a “gay plague” began to decimate homosexuals throughout America. Within seven years of the reclassification of homosexuality being an acceptable “alternate lifestyle” there was a name given to this “gay cancer” … AIDS.

Didn't something else also happen in 1973 that began America on it pernicious slide into the dustbin of history? That's correct... we started “legally” killing God's heritage that same year. I would like to present a couple of important time-lines in the fall of America as “one nation under God.”

Consider just this fact alone. Less than forty years ago in this country it was a crime to kill an un-birthed helpless baby. Now, we butcher them by the millions as callously as if they were hogs led to the slaughter.

Also consider that from 1635, the first year of public school in America, until 1963 (the year prayer and God was no longer welcome in the classroom) covers a period of 328 years... and all of those years there wasn't a single incident of one student killing another by shooting up a classroom. Now lets look at the last 46 years since God has been kicked out of the public school system.

Keep in mind... 328 years of God as an invited guest... no massacres in the public schools. Just 46 years without him and we have 44 shootings in 28 different states with 120 murders and 169 students being shot but surviving. And ignorant people ask, “Where is God in all of this?” He isn't present folks... you kicked Him out and the devil filled the void God created by His absence.

So, let's recap: no death from Aids while homosexuality was practiced in secret and was looked upon as mental illness. No massacres in the public school during the 328 period that God was an invited guest in the classroom. Our mainland had never known an attack on our own soil by a heathen enemy until the 28th year of this country butchering God's heritage while still helpless in the womb, and Ruby-Ridge, along with Waco were just names on a map. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)

What insanity and hubris for any American to believe that because we "call" ourselves a Christian nation that He will automatically bless us. Please read your Bible and see what He both "caused" and "allowed" to happen to the children of Israel because of their disobedience, and their sinful ways. If God allowed calamity to happen to the Jews, His chosen people: how can anyone believe it will not happen to us in America? I say, "Look around you... it is already happening."

I want to tell you a quick story to illustrate the above point. There was an innkeeper who was well-known for always giving free room and board to traveling clergy. A "preacher" dropped in one night and ate, drank, and entertained people in the dining hall before retiring for the evening. The next morning as he was preparing to leave he was given a full-bill for what he had drank, eaten, and his room. He said, "I don't understand, I thought you provided for traveling preachers?" And the innkeeper said, "I usually do... however, last evening you drank, ate, and talked like a sinner, so, today you will pay like a sinner." America states they are a "Christian" people... however, we kill God's heritage, we promote homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, we tell God that we don't want His Son prayed to or talked about in the government ran public schools... yet we don't like "paying the bill" which is now due because of all of our national sins.

Soon it will be Obama's turn to play the lyre while America burns. You see, history is always forced to repeat itself... that is if you don't learn from it. In reality only the names of the actors on the stage and the country's they live in change: (Nero/Rome... Obama/America) sin though, always remains the same. The fact that nations fall when sin escalates will again be proven true. Soon, history will be forced to repeat itself and this time it will be in the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Whether or not Edmund Burke was the one who originally coined, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” is immaterial: the point is that the quote is accurate. Far too long those who are born-again have sat on the sidelines while the mentally ill has dominated mainstream teaching.

Homosexuality and its practice is a choice: just like the killing of an un-birthed child is also a choice. Isn't infanticide called, “pro-choice?” Both homosexuality and abortion are bad and terribly wrong: and both are clear and inexcusable choices.

Just a question to help you understand the practice of homosexuality as a “choice.” How many ex Blacks are you aware of? And please (I know what you are thinking because it was my first thought also as I was typing the question) no Michael Jackson jokes! How many ex Hispanics can you name? You see, there are thousands of ex homosexuals in this country alone. That is because homosexuality (unlike being born with a certain skin color) is and forevermore will be, a choice: bad though it is... it is still a choice.

I believe that God might have already said of America the same words He gave to His prophet Hosea: Hosea 8:7a “ For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind...” America... are you ready for the coming terrible storm?

I will finish this blog today with another verse from God's Holy Book. Psalm 9:17 “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

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