March 6, 7:33 amI have an idea for a new work of fiction. I am only beginning to flesh it out so I thought I would run it past the readers of my blog in order to get their input. This will be a future event, maybe 15-20 years from now. Okay, here goes...
The story is set in America 2025. But, the back-story began 60 years earlier with a group of six liberal Senators who met behind closed doors and hatched out a plan for the demise of America. It was going to be a three-pronged plan, and bloodless.
Their first step was to reach out to the youth in America. They are always the easiest targets as they are so easily led. The Senators sought help from certain Hollywood moguls, who, (like themselves) were also recent converts to Communism.
Many movies were quickly produced that all glorified sex, drugs, violence and they attacked and mocked Christianity and everyone who held to absolute truth and had morals. Even the Senators were surprised how quickly this new culture began to take over and unrest and naked violence soon began to appear at liberal colleges all over America.
Within a short 20 year period the first prong was complete... the debauchery of American youth. The second prong of their plan was set to put into play. Encourage many of these same crazed youths to participate in government. But, not to help keep the American way of life intact... but to eradicate it and tear it down from within.
This part of their plan was the hardest and they knew that it would take the longest period of time to implement, but they were patient. Two generations had past since that first ill-fated meeting had taken place and five of the original Senators were dead... but, in life they had been busy pushing their Socialist agenda and they now had 59 Senators and more than 200 House members on board with their plan of a takeover from within.
Their plan was ingenious really. They had no way of knowing if it would work, but if it did they knew they could bring down a country without firing a single shot... just let it implode. They had done a great job of keeping the young fed with a constant barrage of anti-American sentiment from the drugged youth of the '60's who were now the professors at many of the colleges in America.
And of course the government knew they could control the elderly and keep them as a voting bloc by threatening to reduce or take away their monthly stipend in the form of Social Security. Only the middle class was the pesky group... but that was about to change.
The Communist and Socialist leaders in both Houses of Congress had kept the southern border in America open long enough to be able to get their leaders elected in many of the large southern states with the influx of millions of illegal aliens. This, of course, led to dependency on cheap labor and further drove down the American dollar and caused further unrest.
All that was needed in order to have the third prong in place was to be able to elect a president who was also a Communist and could sign into law all that the Communists in Congress passed with their legislation. In the past they had run several men on that ticket... until this date though none had been elected... but that all changed January 20, 2024 when the first openly non-Christian man was sworn in as president.
He had brazenly ran on a platform of being anti-American... turning his back on the American flag at political functions and refusing to wear a flag pin. He also promised to meet and have dialogue with sworn enemies of America, but he would not meet with those who had been staunch supporters of our country in the past.
Finally, the chickens had come home to roost. Americans were now ready to see first-hand that there is no such thing as a free lunch... someone has to pay the bill. The last few decades many foreign governments had been quietly buying up America's international debt and much of its sovereign land and resources.
News flash... July 4, 2026: "The tipping point came last week as our government had to officially declare bankruptcy."
The Democrats who control both houses of Congress released a joint and terse statement. "We don't know what the American people expected. For years we have been warning that you can not have all of these entitlement programs... Social security, public education, Medicaid, Welfare, and Universal Health Care without the government going under... and now, we are there... 14 trillion in debt was too heavy of a burden to bear."
The balance of the G-8 nations also released a statement that said they will begin immediately taking possession of their holdings within America so that their losses will not be as great as otherwise might be expected. The United Nations has also released their own statement that they will take control of our military in order that there will not be chaos in the streets.
Well, that's my rough first draft. But, now that I've put it on paper... I really don't think it will work. Even though I would seek to have it published as a work of fiction... who, in their right mind would believe that American voters would ever elect a Communist or Socialist as president?
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