Saturday, November 10, 2012


Saturday November 10, 2012 5:51 am

Before I tell you about Olga I thought I would give a brief update. I am wearing a pull-over shirt to work today... yayyy! So, my shoulder feels a little 'tired' this morning but I'm not hurting. Apparently I just strained it a little and nothing more serious. Now, onto the important news!

Earlier I had checked my mail and I, like everyone else, have a Spam blocker in place. Well, one of my pieces of mail got sent there and the title was "Hey." Typically speaking for my Spam mail I never open any of it because I can tell from the titles that it isn't anyone I know, so I delete. This one though, seemed like it was possibly not a piece of Spam? I opened it.

Olga began this way... "Where are you, I miss you. I expected more..." LOL I hope that all who reads my blog this morning also gets emails like this one? If not, I might be in trouble?

Last year I was trying to "tidy up" my life a little and I was disposing of a lot of things I had collected over the years and I had many ads on Craig's List, Ebay, etc. Regularly, I got "very descriptive" emails from people who pretended like they wanted to ask about something I was selling? Then, after reading a little of their mail it was obvious that they were the ones who were "selling" something? lol

Anyway... I am desperately hoping that any readers of this blog also gets their fair share of, "From Russia with love, Olga" emails also. Otherwise... "Why me!!!" (: