Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Tuesday November 6, 2012 6:10 pm

I was at work today and because it is an election day I was trying to imagine why any person would vote for Obama? Seriously... I was honestly wondering that very thing. Even if you look at him from only a humanist veiw-point he has been a complete failure.

I got home about an hour ago and it only took a few minutes for me to print out some papers to be able to prove to anyone who reads this... what I already knew. And that is simply stated he has been a monumental failure. Let me type a few facts about his presidency.

If you read much of the liberal press during the George Bush presidency you would have thought he was the worst president ever because of how deeply he put our country into debt? Did you used to hear and read that all the time? Well, Mr. Bush was a piker compared to Obama. In the eight years Mr. Bush held office the national debt increased 4.899 trillion dollars. That, my friend IS a lot of money! However, in Obama's third year and his second month... he had already eclipsed that figure and he spent more money than Bush did in 8 years! 

That was eight months ago... and Obama has spent tens of billions more since then... at that time he had increased our national debt by 4.939 trillion dollars! And, for the first time in history, the national debt now exceeds 100% of our countries GDP! Obama spends like it's not his money... WAIT, that right, it isn't his money!!!

What about gasoline prices? The eight years George Bush was in office the average price of gasoline was $2.14 per gallon during his entire presidency. The average price of gasoline under Obama's presidency (to date) has been $2.99 per gallon. So, under Obama it costs nearly $1.00 more per gallon during the time he has been president than it did when President Bush was in office.

What about unemployment? 23,000,000 (23 million) Americans out of work and other millions who have been out long-term and benefits have run out... and they are not even searching for jobs anymore. Obama also has the highest unemployment numbers of any sitting president who is up for reelection since FDR!!

What about taxes? Even facts checks organizations can not argue with Limbaugh's statement that under Obama (dollar figures only) he has enacted the LARGEST TAX HIKE in the history of America!

Obama is lost and morally bankrupt, so he fails in that area and he has failed in leading America in any type of economic recovery. So, I found myself back to square one. Why are there people who will vote for him? I know... but those who vote for him will not much like my assessment of them. Plain and simple... they are selfish. They are not putting anyone's agenda above their own.

For the young and dumb who vote for him. Many of them are in college and they like the idea that the founder of Planned Parenthood (Sanger) had. Her thought was that a person should be able to have as much sex as they wanted... with no fear of pregnancy. So, no problem... if a girl gets pregnant just run to any abortion clinic and have the baby murdered.

For the older (white) liberals who vote for him I believe many of them have a different agenda. They are well aware that statistically speaking there are far more black babies being killed in those clinics than any other race. And, plainly stated, they agree with Sanger that poor uneducated blacks ought to have no more offspring. Oh, you won't hear them publicly saying that, as Sanger often did, but that is why they fight so hard to keep it legal. Can you keep a secret? Here it is... (imagine I'm whispering) "They are, 'in-the-closet' racists!") They usually don't wear a white hood, these types just hide in a voting booth and mark whatever politician's name is on the ballot and is promising to keep killing the most children they can. It is just that most of the babies who are being killed are poor and they have black faces... and their mother's happen to live in the "hood."

And, for anyone who might doubt that they do want to kill LOTS of them... just look at the DNC's statement on the matter. When speaking about abortion they used to have a three-pronged approach. This was their statement. Abortion should remain LEGAL, SAFE, and RARE. Under Obama the DNC has removed one of those three words I capped. Care to guess which one? That's right, you got it... the lost fools removed the word RARE!

Now, let me show you a marked difference about how I and many others like me vote. (It has to do with agendas.) The most important reason we vote for whatever Republican is running for office is because they will stop funneling money overseas for murdering the innocents, and they will curtail dollars spent here at home for the same reason.

Now, in this election it is also a no-brainer that only Romney has business experience and he could help to turn our economy around, and that in turn would actually benefit me! However, even if his past experience had been the same as Obama, a rabble rouser... excuse me, "community organizer" I would still vote for Romney as long as he would try and protect the unbirthed children.

Unlike certain white liberals I personally know... I honestly would like to see all of the helpless little children who are being killed by the thousands every day in America, (approximately 3,600 every single day) and all around the world: being given a chance at life. And, I say, "REGARDLESS THEIR SKIN COLOR, stop killing them!!!