Sunday, March 17, 2013


Sunday March 17, 2013 5:44 am, 1:49 pm

One thing you can say for the catholic church is that they know how to celebrate. I mean, who else but the leaders of that church would lift all of the eating and drinking restrictions which people place upon themselves for lent and on St. Patrick's day say it's alright to go out and get drunk. Funny stuff! I certainly hope all my friends wear their green today and has a good day of celebration.

Yesterday was a pretty good day to begin my last six week stretch to be able to reach my goals I have set. Hopefully today will be more of the same with a couple of workouts I am going to get in. Yesterday we topped out at 70 degrees and today they are calling for another winter storm watch: the weather around here is pretty crazy.

I also wanted to provide a link of something that you might want to avoid today as you celebrate St. Patrick's Day: McDonald's Shamrock Shake and its 840 calories. It's a pretty good read to see a complete list of all 54 ingredients and to see a comparison of what you could have eaten for the same number of calories. Yep, forget that: I'll be out looking for some green beer... just kidding :)

Later today I will write more whenever I upload my video. Have fun everyone!

This picture is after we got back inside and Virgil was cold so I draped my coat over him. Deb had a blanket in the dryer and warming it for him and after that was out I draped it over him instead of the coat. It is very sad how either sickness or age robs all of God's creatures from even the simple things that was (in times past) fun. Virgil had always been a cold weather dog. Just a few years ago in this area we had nearly two feet of snow on the ground and I would have him out playing and he would leap into the air and come down in the snow and be covered up almost completely... and do this time after time. Now, my poor little guy just stands and shivers at the cold. I hate that so very, very, much!!!!!!!


Well, I guess it's time to get back to finishing a paper I started for the school. Were it not for Virgil being sick this is the type of day I would normally enjoy. I just took my first sip of some hot chai tea and it is snowing outside :)