Thursday, July 28, 2011


Thursday July 28, 2011 9:27 am

I had wanted to daily write just a few lines keeping everyone apprised of how well the “juicing” has been going for those who are trying it. Then... life stepped in and I had similar dreams both Sunday and Monday night and I was no longer interested in writing anything more about my juicing experiences. Hopefully, in the near future, I will write more about that as I believe there can be some positive benefits for someone's health if they incorporate at least a few of their meals in this manner.

The title for my blog this morning is being used both literally and metaphorically. First. in the literal sense I have been riding my bike... a lot. And, I have been riding it "all over the place." I have found that at night whenever sleep escapes me I can ride my bike and collect my thoughts. (When I first moved to the Louisville area 21 years ago and I could not sleep I found some peace while driving through the run-down parts of Louisville. At that time I would drive seemingly endless alleys and back-streets.)

Now, living away from town I find myself doing something similar: either very late at night or in the early hours of the morning I have replaced Louisville's alleyways with Indiana's country highways, and I have traded my car in for a ten-speed bicycle. Though the scenery and the vehicle used are different, the end result is the same... there is time alone to think about things.

I suppose, in a sense, my life has “come full-circle.” Other than by giving you a few quotes and asking a question I will not be able to explain what I mean by using that particular idiom any better than what follows.

Before I ask the only question I am going to ask this morning, and before I type any of the quotes I have in mind... I want to tell you something I think is remarkable. There was a time... long ago when I was faithfully writing my blog that I had a large number of faithful readers. Then, as time passed I became unfaithful in my writings and naturally that caused many of those readers to not be faithful in opening up this page and reading. Anyway, though the number of readers are not anywhere close to what they used to be, and most likely never will be again... last week there were still several dozen people who read what I had written. Because of that I would like to say I appreciate your faithfulness... even when I am not. Now, on to my question. “Have you ever had a dream of chance, while sleeping, and it caused you to act in a certain way while awake?”

“All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.”

T. E. Lawrence (better known as Lawrence of Arabia) penned the above quote talking about two different types of dreamers: those who dream by chance, while asleep, and those who pursue a dream while fully awake. Today, I am writing this blog having (this past Tuesday afternoon) fulfilled both roles: i.e., first, the dreamer (Sunday/Monday night) in the dusty recesses of my mind: then, two days ago... and with eyes wide open!

Last night (for the first time that I can remember in, at least, the last 20+ years) I slept for six hours straight and without waking even a single time! Though, for some of you that might not seem like an achievement, but for me and how I usually sleep that is a very long stretch of time. Although, now that I think about it... I hope this is not the same type of sleep that Jonah enjoyed for a brief period of time while in the belly of the ship: because we all know what event followed that particular nap of his (:

I was only 18 years old when I first heard the song Already Gone recorded by The Eagles. At that time I especially liked it for one particular guitar solo about half-way through the song. Today though, I like it more for one particular stanza: as it seems to fit.

“Well I know it wasn't you who held me down
Heaven knows it wasn't you who set me free
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key”

Well, there you have it, what I have written above explains everything. (lol) Really it does, at least in the best way that I know how to explain it.

The final quote I had in mind for this blog comes directly from the Bible, and it is one of my least favorite verses, and truisms. It is also fitting: Proverbs 26:11: “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.” KJV