Friday, May 18, 2012


Friday May 18, 2012 8:00 am

Before I write about something else I wanted to say that if my mom had lived she would be 85 years old today. It's difficult to imagine what she would be like at that age... though I wish I could have seen it.

Very late, and into the early hours of this morning we were watching (at Steph and Roger's) a bootleg (pirated) copy of the Avengers... it was great! I have seen several movies done like this and in many of them, because of the vantage-point, you see the tops of peoples' heads who are in front of the person doing the recording: but not this one. Apparently this was recorded from a high balcony... or maybe even filmed from the projection room?

Every once in awhile you could hear someone sneeze, cough, etc. Once, it sounded like a person was tearing open a foil bag... maybe potato chips? And, of course you could hear laughter! The banter between the super heroes was extra good. Besides, what's not to like? This movie had two, of my three favorite heroes of all time in it... Thor and Hulk. I guess if they could have somehow inserted Thing into the mix it would have been the perfect movie!

From the time I was young I think I always liked Thor because I enjoyed the thought of a “god” fighting for us mere mortals... and every boy just had to admire Hulk. I mean, here is a guy who is mostly gentle and just wants to be left to himself, at least until he gets mad: then watch out!

I also always liked Thing. He was a big block of a guy who took nothing off of anyone. I know it sounds silly now but when I was younger and knew I was getting ready to fight... if I was wearing a ring I would be slipping it into my pocket and at nearly the same time I would be handing my watch to someone standing nearby to hold: and always in my mind I was saying three words: “It's Clobberin' time!” Yeah... those three guys were my favorites!

The writers had one thing down perfectly. And that was the fact that if such a collection of heroes were ever assembled there would still be a lot of testosterone around, and tons of ego... so, they would not just automatically want to band together and be a team. Because of that, some of the exchanges between Iron Man (especially) and the rest of them was superb. Also, there were two scenes that caused me to bust out laughing! (I think because both were so unexpected?)

The first, especially funny scene was after Thor and Hulk had fought side-by-side against the aliens and they ended up on the street beside each other. It seemed like this was going to be a time of male bonding? Then, like an impudent child... Hulk landed a massive blow to the side of Thor's head and sent him flying out of the picture! LOL

But, the time I laughed the hardest was when Hulk was facing Loki and Loki began to bluster about who he was and how no brute (Hulk) was going to act that way around him... suddenly, Hulk grabbed him by his ankles and repeatedly dashed his head on the concrete: back-and-forth he did this like an angry child might do with a rag doll! Then, the wide-eyed stare Loki gave while on his back was priceless! I mean, that was either an extremely funny scene... else it was 2:00 in the morning after a long day and I was batty? Either way, I laughed and laughed over that one!

I had a lot of fun watching it!