Monday, May 14, 2012


Monday May 14, 2012 10:48 pm

Another sign, in conjunction with the other nine, which Jesus said would mark His return is earthquakes. It is common knowledge that since man has recorded time... there has always been evidence of earthquakes: and some of them have  caused unbelievable devastation. 

Example: the earthquake of 1906 which hit San Francisco is one of the most famous earthquakes and it measured approximately 7.7 on the Richter Scale. But, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded on Earth happened nearly 52 years (May 22, 1960) ago in Valdivia, Chile... and that measured 9.5 on the Richter scale. The reason I am giving that information is to let everyone know that I am well aware that man has always recorded earthquake data. Remember... the sign of earthquakes being a precursor to the Lord's return is not that they happen, and have always happened: but, it is their frequency and the unusual (divers) places in the world that they are happening.

The data I am recording is from the National Earthquake Information center, U.S. Geological Survey. I am going to give two tables: each table will cover a ten year period. The first will be 1990 – 1999 and the second one will be 2000 – 2009*. 

(What I am going to ask you to notice is the increased activity (across the board) in earthquakes. I am going to begin with 1990 and go forward year-by-year, comparing '90 to 2000: then '91 to 2001... etc. etc. etc. When I originally gathered this data (June 16, 2009) in 10 years cycles the U.S. Geological Society had not yet given the totals for 2009, because that year wasn't complete.  Because of that I'll not be able to compare 1999 -- 2009.

In 1990 (worldwide) there was a total of 16,612 recorded earthquakes.
In 2000 (worldwide) there was a total of 19,136 recorded earthquakes. (+ 2,524)

In 1991 (worldwide) there was a total of 16,515 recorded earthquakes.
In 2001 (worldwide) there was a total of 23,847 recorded earthquakes. (+ 7,332)

In 1992 (worldwide) there was a total of 19,548 recorded earthquakes.
In 2002 (worldwide) there was a total of 27,454 recorded earthquakes. (+ 7,906)

In 1993 (worldwide) there was a total of 21,476 recorded earthquakes.
In 2003 (worldwide) there was a total of 30,748 recorded earthquakes. (+ 9,272)

In 1994 (worldwide) there was a total of 19,371 recorded earthquakes.
In 2004 (worldwide) there was a total of 31,863 recorded earthquakes.
(+ 12,492)

In 1995 (worldwide) there was a total of 21,007 recorded earthquakes.
In 2005 (worldwide) there was a total of 32,553 recorded earthquakes. 
(+ 11,546)

In 1996 (worldwide) there was a total of 19,938 recorded earthquakes.
In 2006 (worldwide) there was a total of 29,604 recorded earthquakes. (+ 9,666)

In 1997 (worldwide) there was a total of 19,872 recorded earthquakes.
In 2007 (worldwide) there was a total of 28,692 recored earthquakes. (+ 8,820)

In 1998 (worldwide) there was a total of 21,688 recorded earthquakes.
In 2008 (worldwide) there was a total of 30,183 recorded earthquakes. (+ 8,495)

In 1999 (worldwide) there was a total of 20,827 recorded earthquakes. (*** incomplete year for 2009. Because of that I am not adding the 20,287 recorded earthquakes to the total for the decade of the '90's... and, of course, I will not put any totals into the 2009 tally either ***)

1990 – 1998 there was a grand total of 176,027 recorded earthquakes worldwide. And, according to the U.S. Geological Society this decade was (by far) the most recorded earthquakes in history!

2,000 – 2008 there was a grand total of 254,080 recorded earthquakes worldwide. Keep in mind... the previous ten years had set a worldwide record for earthquakes in a single decade and now the last full decade has beat that record by an astounding 78,053 MORE EARTHQUAKES!!! (That is 78,053 MORE in the same span of time!!!)

By the time I am done with this series the main point I am hoping to prove to everyone is that ALL TEN signs which the Lord said would be happening just before His Second Coming are happening... and, EACH INDIVIDUAL SIGN is happening at never before seen numbers on planet Earth!!!

Remember... the first sign I wrote about was false prophets. And today, 2012: there are more of these men and women alive and preaching heresy than ever before in the history of the world.

And for the second sign I just wrote about we see that, worldwide... earthquakes are happening at never before seen numbers. Good news though... THE KING IS COMING!!!!!!!