Sunday, May 20, 2012


Sunday May 20, 2012 7:39 pm

Before I begin this evening I will give a mini-update on something I wrote about awhile ago. I guess it's official: I am slated to pay my school bill this Monday and then start classes June 4th. I guess I will be the oldest student in the history of the world! Or is it just that I sort of feel that way? Other than some Bible college classes (Mountaineer Bible Institute) I have never before been to college. I was recently asked if I was at all excited to begin? The honest truth is, I don't know? Maybe if I had been afforded this opportunity while I was still young... then the answer would most probably be, "Yes." I suppose that would have been because I have always liked experiencing (and trying) new and different things. But, at this point in my life... I'm honestly not sure how I feel: maybe a little out of place? (Now, on to another sign.)

(The last blog I wrote about the Second Coming was on the sign of, earthquakes. Today in Bologna, Italy they had a significant earthquake: the important fact to remember about this is that the Bible had said that in the last days there would be earthquakes in “divers” places; i.e., “diverse,” or many different locations. Are you aware that in that particular part of the world where today's earthquake took place... that this was the first earthquake there in the last several hundred years!)

I thought I would wait until today to talk about another sign, and that is the large number of celestial events that the Bible declared would be on display just before His return. The main reason I wanted to wait until today is that we are experiencing the “ring of fire” eclipse of the Sun. It is important to remember it is not that all of these signs have not happened in the past, nor is it true that if the world lasts they will not happen again in the future. What is true, and what makes this appear to be the end time for the world is that never before in world history has every single sign recorded in the Bible been happening simultaneously... and each individual sign is happening in record setting numbers!

The first sign I spoke about was false prophets, and the second sign I wrote about was earthquakes... now, "signs in the heavens." This will be the shortest blog on any of the signs and there is an easy to understand reason for this. Go back just ten to fifteen years until today, and do a little online research about all of the celestial events which have clustered together in this past decade: then, see how many years it will be into the future until there will be any similar cluster of celestial events. I can clue you in: it will be hundreds of years into the future before we will see any thing like what has transpired within the last fifteen to twenty years.

Now, here is the part I feel I need to drive home: we do not need to look for any especially unusual events... they might well have happened a century ago and would happen in another hundred years or so? But, it is more than just coincidence that this cluster is happening now, and in conjunction with the other nine signs.

When you are doing your own research on celestial events please look for certain trigger words like “rare,” or “extraordinary.” I tried to remember as many celestial events from the very recent past as I could before I began to look them up for myself... and in less than ten minutes of searching I'll list just a few that I found. In 1997 there was Hale-Bopp, which will not happen again for another 2,532 years. Halley's Comet will not be repeated until 2,062. July 22, 2009 we had the century's longest solar eclipse, and the next one of similar duration will not happen again until June 13, 2,132. And of course, the number of “blood Moons” we have seen... the large comet crashing into Jupiter just a few years ago, etc. etc. etc.

So, if you get a chance to see today's eclipse please do so. However, in this part of the USA we are in that won't be possible. For those of us who would like to see it live, but can't... everyone ought to at least go online and view some images from people who film it. It should be spectacular! Look, it is just God's way of trying to get people to 'look upward' and maybe... just maybe, they might begin to imagine that in all the heavens with all of their majesty... God had to be in that wonderful creation!

In 2009 when I first began studying and preparing this message I called a well-respected expert in the field of documenting and speaking about celestial events... Dr. Ruth of Indiana University. I wanted to get his take on why all of a sudden in the last 20 years we see many of these events seeming to happen on top of each other. I will say that at first he was forthcoming and very candid... at least until I was completely honest with him and told him why I was researching celestial events in the first place.

At that time in our phone conversation he backpedaled somewhat and said that although it “appeared” that a lot of things were happening at once: given enough time (centuries) they would all be repeated, and in similar clusters. I told him that I understood that as well: but, was he aware that in addition to all of the celestial events that were happening even now... the other nine signs Christ spoke about were also happening all around the globe? He had no comment on that.

This evening if you are in the southern part of our country... or in many parts of Asia where the viewing ought to be especially great: go out and enjoy part of God's creation and see the “ring of fire” for yourself! Happy viewing.