Friday, December 21, 2012


Friday 12/21/2012 8:10 am

It's great isn't it? I like it whenever things work out as they ought? I mean, major snowfalls everywhere and happening on the first full day of the winter season... I like it! Of course, with the fun things that a person can do in heavy snow... there are also risks which accompany the snow and ice. Especially on the highways, so to my friends and those I love the most: be careful (:

This morning I asked my wife if she posted on FB to congratulate our oldest daughter and her husband on their 13th anniversary. She hadn't at that time but I think she ended up doing that? The reason I am mentioning this is that they got married just days before Y2K and now their 13th anniversary falls on the same day as the end of the world... what luck, huh? Now that I think about it we had a party at Y2K also... I guess I try not to miss very many days where a person has any reason to celebrate?

Anytime there is inclement weather, or if there are severe storms I check the areas of the country where people live whom I love the most... and a couple of hours ago I was watching the weather report for West Virginia and I saw that certain areas are expected to receive between 8" to 14" inches of snow: lucky (: For some of you that will mean a true winter wonderland and a chance to play in the snow (: So, if you do get out in it, make a couple of snow angels and name them after me! lol

Tonight for the party I am going to wear my cowboy hat and boots. If I am going out... I plan to do it with my boots on. lol My pastor said last night that he is going to bring to the party what McVeigh had for his last meal. Because of that I am changing what I had planned on bringing, otherwise there would be a glut of ice cream and not much else? I am taking Workman's last meal request: vegetarian pizza. Although he only requested one (and even that not for himself) I will be taking a few veggie pizzas to the party.

I suppose I am as prepared as I know how to be? I'll have my boots on in case there is a flood. I'll have my hat on for a two-fold reason. First, to block the harmful rays of the Sun: you know, just in case it swells to a thousand times its size and shoots off giant Solar flares... I'm thinking a cowboy hat should be enough protection, don't you? And, I no longer own a football helmet so my hat will serve to deflect falling objects after Toutatis, Nereus, Asclepius, Nibiru, or any of the other many hundreds of named NEO's comes crashing into Earth! Surely, a large stony object traveling at speeds that allow it to (every single second) cover 13 kilometers... well, when such an object crashes into Earth it ought not dislodge anything that an ordinary cowboy hat couldn't deflect: could it? I'm banking on no (:

Well, I am hoping that all who reads this has a great day and finds some reason to have fun!!! Although this next statement will not mean anything to anyone (kind of like most of my posts) I now turn my volume up on my tv by one (: