Sunday, September 07, 2014


Sunday September 7, 2014 5:14 am

I was able to ride my bike for the first time yesterday after hurting my knee at work 10 days ago. I opened yesterday and again today and because of that I need to leave an hour earlier than I would if I was driving. It's only nine miles but I allow myself time to wash up and change into work clothes once I'm there... and the ride takes nearly 40 minutes. I'm only writing this trying to give a reason why I wasn't able to sleep well last night... maybe knowing I had to awake very early again? I tossed and turned and kept reaching for my phone in the dark to check the time.

I last checked at it 2:43 and I must have fallen asleep after that because I awoke from a bad dream at 3:58 (I had to be up at 4:45 anyway) so I just stayed awake and have been sitting in my office reading news stories and bored... so I figured I would bore any who might read my drivel this morning. You know, “misery loves company.”

Well, it's 5:12 and I still have to dress so I guess I'll wish any who might read this a happy day.

Oh, about my title? I figured I would just point out the obvious... it's Sunday :)