Sunday, September 04, 2011


Sunday September 4, 2011 9:45 pm

I have always had this love for numbers and seasons. In fact, as far back as memory allows I have had this fascination with dates, seasons, and times. Why exactly, I do not know: but, if you were to ask me to list certain dates that are important to me I would be able to tell you. And, these are not dates which are common knowledge to almost everyone. For example... most people know the dates of their spouses and children's birth's, anniversaries, hire dates for jobs, etc. etc, etc. No, what I am meaning are dates on a calendar which in themselves would have no more importance than any other... except, in my mind I seem to lend to that date some special significance. And because of that I am continually beginning different projects or items of interest to me according to a mostly random date on a calendar. And, by doing this I know that I waste a lot of my own time.

For the most part I do believe that having a good memory and a “head for figures” is probably a blessing... for the most part I believe that. But, there are times when a good memory can also be a curse. I think for people who can easily forget their past, life is probably sweeter. I guess it is because for most people time dims the memory and if it was a painful memory then the pain must be lessened as well. But, what about those people like me who can not seem to forget dates, seasons, times, and events... even those memories which causes pain in remembering?

This love/hate relationship I have with numbers and dates is not something I can readily turn off... if I could, I would. Last year while I was still at the other store a day was approaching where I was going to turn 20,000 days old. I happened to mention to the girl I was working with something I was beginning on that day because of that milestone. We were very friendly and she hugged me and doubled over with laughter. When she could talk again she assured me that only I would know how many days old I was going to be. I laughed and told her that really wasn't true because I also knew how many days old she was as well. After I told her she laughed even harder. Now, there really is a reason I am telling all of you this story. What seemed odd to her, the fact that I would know these things... seemed odd to me that she DIDN'T KNOW!

Anyway, this blog is to simply let all of you know that as of this morning, September 4, 2011 … it also (now) has special significance to me. In my mind I have given something up, and in the real world I have started something new. Although I will not divulge what either of those things are, I will say that I have 17 weeks, or 119 days, until the end of this calendar year to see if I am successful? (lol)

I like to quote different people I enjoy reading about and there is one quote in particular from Alfred D'Souza that I believe fits today's blog perfectly. He said, “For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.” (Fitting, don't you think?)

Though I believe that quote is appropriate for this subject matter, that is not my favorite quote from him. This is my favorite, "Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you have never been hurt before..."

From personal experience I will tell you that the first part of the above quote is rather easy to do... the second part, not so much ):