Friday, June 29, 2012


Friday June 29, 2012 9:40 pm

The oldest (continuous) thing I've had in my possession is (at least) 53-years-old. It is a fish-bowl that we had goldfish in when we first moved to Parkersburg from Ohio. I've told the story before of how there was only an old stove in the main room of the house and if you strayed more than a few feet from it you would practically freeze.

Our move from the old farmhouse in London was in the wintertime and it was one of those very hard and cold winter seasons. (I really will get to the point of what I am writing about very shortly.)

At that time that particular fish-bowl had goldfish in it. Of course, they are not the same goldfish we have today. If that were the case this might really be an interesting blog? Anyway, the bowl evidently set too far from the stove and one freezing night the bowl completely froze over... with the little guys still in it.

The next morning my dad chipped through about a half-inch of solid ice on the top and the goldfish were fine! After hearing that story I know what you're thinking... "Hallelujah!" No... that's not what you were thinking? Okay, I'll continue.

The reason I told you that is to show just how sturdy these guys must be. Before I tell you what I did... let me tell you something about myself. From the time I was young I have always loved animals: all kinds. And I have always told everyone that if you are going to have animals you need to take care of them.

I'll give you an example of what I mean. No matter how tired I am when I get home... if the animals need fed or watered or anything else... I will always take care of them before I do something that I might personally need to do. I mean, it only seems fair: don't you think?

So, this week it was on me to do my job and the myriad other things I have to do... and... and... make certain all of the animals are cared for. Pretty simple stuff... right?

So, I dutifully and faithfully fed, walked, and cleaned up after our one cat... and five dogs. HOWEVER, I forgot we also have a few goldfish which sets in one corner of the living-room. That's right... Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday and until a few minutes ago on this day... Friday: they were not fed! Now, for fish water is not really an option or needed, but food: c'mon!

I didn't realize or remember that we even had fish until I was shopping a few minutes ago and as I passed the frozen food aisle I saw a can of concentrated orange juice and I thought that it looked like the goldfish flakes which come in a similar can. Then I remembered... GOLDFISH!!!

So, I drove home feeling very guilty and expecting to see three floaters on the top of the water, else two dead and partially eaten goldfish which had been cannibalized by the alpha fish in the bowl? (Not that I know for sure if there is an alpha among goldfish: but, it was my first thought and it is my own imagination... so, leave me alone. lol)

With trepidation I entered the living-room and what do you suppose I saw? There were three little goldfish, apparently, no worse off for their forced fast? I even imagine they might have gotten in some serious praying this long week, "please, someone, anyone... feed me!"

After hearing that story about my three goldfish surviving I know what you're thinking... "Hallelujah!" No... that's not what you were thinking?