Sunday, June 10, 2012


Sunday June, 10, 2012 2:49 pm

I had to take a break from school work for a little while so I thought I would post the answer to the three questions I began all of this with.  But, I didn't quite make it that far: hence the title... ALMOST THERE.

I have finished all school assignments for the week, except one entire chapter to read, one 35 power point slide presentation, and then another 50 minute timed test. I finished the other one about 90 minutes ago and I desperately needed a break from thinking, (lol) so I started on this blog. (I wrote the last part of that sentence for my new 'best-friend' ........!) She thinks I am sooooo dumb! I love it!!!

I will tell you though I used to think I liked learning? At least until last Monday evening and I started these classes... I have to tell you that learning is overrated! Instead of trying my best on my placement exam I now wish I had completely made a mess of it and last night instead of staying up most of the night studying and typing papers I could have been reading, “Run Spot run! (Unless you are about my age that probably won't mean anything to you.) And for math perhaps I would be doing my two times two tables? (lol) So, even though I am already over any excitement I might have had about school... I still like learning truth from the Bible. And that is what this blog is going to be about: telling (three) true things I learned from God's Word.

One of the things I love about the Bible is that there are no “extra” words in it just for the sake of adding words. However, there are hundreds and hundreds of small phrases or words that are somewhere in a verse, and it is as if they were an afterthought? It is those words and phrases I find most intriguing, because I know they are there by Divine insight and each one poses some mystery that is just begging to be solved.

I suppose I like that so much because I find I am constantly doing that in my own writings. There are many phrases, sentences, certain spacings, etc. which I write that I could state better... and I know how to do that. Yet, I sometimes write this way because it holds something special to me that I alone might see. And I see it, not because I am especially bright, I'm not: just ask ….....! (She is a recent letter writer to me and she thinks I am plenty stupid! Lol)


I don't even tell people why I write like this and there is a valid reason for that. I would hope not to go from only a person some might believe is somewhat strange (or probably weird) to becoming certifiable? (My mind's eye) I am running (outside) one day and looking behind I see a few men chasing me, and they have these impossibly large nets... and they have one quest, it is to bag me, like what is done to capture butterflies!

I guess that once trapped in a net there would not be any use crying out and saying, “Je ne suis pas fou!” (I am not crazy) I mean, just the fact that I might repeatedly say that sort of belies that truth... don't you think? As I haven't a single time tried speaking in the French language. So, by using such a phrase would (by itself) be crazy! I hope that once wrestled to the the ground I would just submit and allow them to dress me in that nice white coat with the impossibly long arms! (At least it has some neat buckles on it.)


(I used the last two paragraphs to express what I mean by saying I write things that I alone might see?)

Again though, I only see certain things in what I have written because I know what I am looking for. I think that is the way it is with God. He records a lot of mystery in His Book, and it is there for us to see as well... but, we have to know how to look for it.

Knowing that there are no superfluous words with God is another reason I could never understand the way certain modern preachers think nothing of adding, updating, and (or) deleting words from the Bible. Of course, they do this in the guise of making it easier to read? They treat God's Word and words as if they were only man's words, and they change them at will! (Of course this is mostly done to suit their own belief and their own man-made doctrines.)

And what is also upsetting is that some of these same men would think it profane to try and modernize writings from men of the past like Shakespeare, Sophocles, and many others. To them it is fine to change the Word of God... but, by no means should a single word of Homer, or any other larger-than-life writer be changed! (I guess that shows where their heart really is... don't you think?)

If your pastor is well-read, and... if you want to find out if (in private, regardless his public stance) he is really a non-believer in the Word of God: here is a way to test him. Tell him you recently saw an article where some were trying to update all of Shakespeare's works to make them easier to understand. See what he says. You will find right away that most of these pretenders hold well-known writing's of ordinary men to be sacrosanct, and therefore should not be tampered with. Of course, that means that all men who hold such views are placing all such writing's of classic literature far above that of the Word of God!

With the thought in mind that EVERY word God recorded in His Book is important... I will now tell the two things from the story of Noah and the Ark that for many years I never understood. First, why did God shut the door?

Perish the thought... but I have rested enough and I must now return to preparing to take another test. "Why, God, why..." did I ever think I might like going back to school when I didn't like it the first time around? Maybe ........ is really onto something and I am stoopid! I mean stupit... I mean stoopit. There, that's better.