Monday, June 04, 2012


Tuesday June 4, 2012 8:37 pm

I left work early today so I could get started on my classes. I'm always most awkward at introductions and trying to tell a group of disinterested strangers something about myself. So, for the mathematics group I began this way. “Hi everyone, my name is Robin Johnson... and I'm an alcoholic.” Then, I said, “Sorry, wrong group.” Now, if they all start trying to keep me away from strong drink then I'll know my joke fell flat.

I told Deb though I'm not sure if I bit off more than I can chew? I only have three classes for the summer semester and it only runs eight weeks. But, that means I have to turn in double work each week as we have to cram 16 weeks into only eight. I think it might be a good thing I don't sleep a lot.

I now have my first week assignments and I have to have everything turned in by Sunday at 11:59 pm or I'll be dropped. So, I figured I would take the time to write about this sign this evening as (at least for the next few days) every night as soon as I am in from work I have a lot more to do.

I sort of hate to imagine I might fail at this and that would then make a total of three different schools in my lifetime I have been unceremoniously asked to leave. After awhile I might get my feelings hurt if they keep this up? I mean, what is it about me? (I started to enter a joke here about God, and Clyde... but considering what I am blogging about it would most probably be in poor taste.)

Now, onto another sign.

This sign, END-TIME GOVERNMENT is not a sign that many would consider as a sign at all? Yet, without this sign coming to pass it would be an impossibility for the Bible to be true, or for the Lord being able to return for the rapture of the church. That is if the Bible is true? I, for one, certainly believe that it is.

When it comes to this particular end-time event most prophecy teachers do as the Catholic church did when they wanted to remove the Second Commandment from the Bible: you know... that pesky little matter of not making graven images to bow down before. (Can you imagine an apostate Roman Catholic church WITHOUT graven images!) Anyway, this corrupted group of Roman deceivers made two commandments out of the Tenth and simply removed the Second: blasphemous... huh?

In the same way many who study prophecy also have ten signs which they agree must come to pass. But, what they do is divide WARS & RUMORS OF WARS and they make this as two separate signs. However, the Bible clearly teaches (because of the conjunction “and”) that this is a continued... and not a separated sign! (It is only one expressed and completed thought, not two.)

This blog is not about the false Roman Catholic church and their many heresies... but, I would like to make it obvious to any who reads this blog that it is apparent they wanted to continue in the pagan sin of worshiping things made by human hands, i.e., graven images. Their own writings admit these changes. In 1562 Gaspare de Passo Archbishop of Reggio (Council of Trent) finished speaking about the changes they had made to the Holy Bible with these words: “... they (deletions, additions, and changes to the Bible) have been made by the authority of the Church.”

Just like some prophecy teachers split “wars and rumors of wars” into two separate signs even though they aren't... notice what the deceiving Roman Catholic church and their Council of Trent did to what is obviously a single Commandment. (And of course the only teaching of this particular Commandment which was against covetousness.)

As a way to expose what they did let's first look at the Ninth Commandment. It states that we are not to “... bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Now, that is obvious that a particular and complete truth has been expressed... not to bear false witness... right? (Now, see if you believe the Catholic leaders split into two commandments what was obviously meant to be one. And of course the reason for such deception was obvious... they longed to continue their pagan practice of bowing before idols made by the hands of men.)

Now, the Tenth Commandment from the KJV. Exodus 20:17: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neigbours.”

The entire verse is teaching against covetousness. Wouldn't you agree? But, what the catholics did was to separate that verse (speaking against covetousness) into two different Commandments.

After removing the Second Commandment (and in order to still have the well-known Decalogue) they had to come up with another one to replace it: so, here is the Roman Catholic's Ninth Commandment: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife.”

Here then is the Roman Catholic's Tenth Commandment: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods.”

In order to attempt to cover their idolatry (because they had removed the Second Commandment) they made two separate teachings from what was obviously supposed to be one... covetousness!

I mean, by their own logic they ought to have an eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth commandments. Because the Bible also mentions more in that verse which they did not cover. Here ought to be the rest of the Catholic church's present-day commandments.

11th commandment: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's manservant.

12th commandment: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's maidservant.”

13th commandment: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's ox.”

14th commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass.” (donkey)

Now, why should they have 14? Because the real Bible in verse 17 states several different items, people, and animals that ought not to be coveted... their “Ninth and Tenth Commandments” only preclude two on that short list, which gives several more prohibitions left unaccounted for: manservant, maidservant, ox, and ass. Now, their Tenth covers “goods,” but none of the four animate people and (or) creatures left out of that list can rightly be called inanimate, “goods.”

(Sadly, as I read what I had thus far written I realized that I am still guilty of the second sentiment expressed in Exodus 20:17. However, I might be justified because factually speaking I am not a “neighbor.” The dictionary defines neighbor as: 1. a person who lives near or next to another. (Or) 2. a person or thing near or next to another. (I mean, I know my nearby neighbors and it is none of them.) See, I can split theological hairs just like lost Catholic leaders. Ouch, that last thought really, really... really, hurts! lol)

Now, onto the ninth sign... END-TIME GOVERNMENT.

As much as I dislike the current office holder in our highest public office in Washington... if my timetable for the Second Coming of Christ is close at all: Obama will not be the one in office during the Rapture. (Although, it will be someone very much like him.) Unless, of course (in his hubris) once he is voted out by the American public he declares himself a life-long dictator and tries to long overstay his welcome? Regardless, the office holder at the time of Christ's return, just like Obama today, will have no particular interest in the autonomy of America.

On my desk I still keep a picture of Obama from 2007 at Indianola, Iowa. This picture was taken at a campaign stop and at the time the National Anthem was being played. (Even today you can still see the complete act of his disrespect for America on many different YouTube videos.) I'm sure after that debacle and much talked about event his handlers told him he would have to, at the very least pretend that he liked America in order to win the office? After that picture was taken, and at other events you would see Obama woodenly standing with 'hand over heart' during the playing of the Anthem.

At that event in Iowa, Bill Richardson, Hillary Clinton, Ruth Harkin and four others were on stage with Obama when the Star Spangled Banner began to play. Every person there... EXCEPT Obama, respectfully placed their hands over their hearts during that part of the ceremony. Obama kept his hands clasped at his groin during the entire song. That is why I said that whoever holds the office of the President of the United States at Christ's return will also have no regard for America as an independent nation. Obama, and his ilk must have a one-world (pre Tower-of-Babel) mentality in order to help usher in the end-time events that will transpire. (Now onto what had to already be in place in the world long BEFORE the “Rapture of the church” could take place.)

Revelation chapter 13: 16-18: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. (17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six.” (666)

Now, the above marking will take place approximately 3 and ½ years after the Rapture and at the midpoint of the Great Tribulation. The reason this is such an important sign is that (according to God's Word) Christ could not have returned until some system was in place that made it possible for everyone and everything to be “marked.” Of course... that first became possible in 1973. At that time George J. Laurer invented what is now commonly called the UPC. (Universal Pricing Code)

In order though for the Bible to be proven as accurate, these marks had to extend to more than just all (inanimate) goods. The transition from grocery goods to human beings... first began with livestock... then to household pets... and finally humans began to be micro-chipped. (marked)

In August 1998... 25 years after hard goods and animals had been marked: the first humans we knew about also received their own marks. (This was reported by the BBC.)

Then, in America: May 10, 2002 on NBC's Today Show millions watched as an entire family from south Florida received their own micro-chip implantations. What a spectacle! On live television millions of people from around the world actually saw the first family in this country willingly receiving the “mark of the Beast.” Sadly though, even more so than this silly family from Florida... many lost souls during the Great Tribulation will be forced to accept this mark against their wills.

(Jeff Jacobs, his wife Leslie, and their fourteen-year-old son Derek, all three received their own marks! On that day there were 40 major news outlets from around the world who recorded what they saw. Dr. David Wulken (the Jacob's family physician) implanted the devices he had received from the VeriChip company in what was called the world's first “Authorized VeriChip Center” which was located in south Florida.)

At that time when people started comparing what was happening to this family with the “mark of the Beast” recorded in The book of the Revelation the scoffers pointed out how “silly” that was because these devices were only capable of storing information and not anything to do with “buying or selling.” Of course we know that the devil is both a liar and the “father of lies” and soon we saw that many people around the globe began using these same devices to buy and sell many different things.

Soon after the Jacob's implantations... other articles started appearing around the globe. April 7, 2004 an article wrote of a trendy VIP “toy” at the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain. Their 'sell' said that this implantable device is a high-tech toy for “the truly plugged in among us.” Once implanted, their right hand (only) had to be scanned and the evenings drinks, food and other entertainment could be paid for without cash ever exchanging hands. Today in South Florida and many other vacation spots around the globe, this is also being done.

In the same year... October 2004, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved VeriChip as a medical device. Within months of that date, more than 200 doctors and 80 different hospitals had micro-chipped patients. Today, 2012... that number has grown exponentially! (Also in todays' world many Alzheimer's patients who are left in the care of long-term care facilities and even without the patients consent or understanding, are being implanted with such devices.)

January 17, 2005 the London Telegraph reported many clubs that micro-chipped their patrons which allows for... “wallet-free drinking.”

Tommy Thompson, the former head of the Health and Human Services Department (under George Bush) joined the executive board of VeriChip. Today, many high-ranking government officials from around the world are also on the board of that company. (Mr. Thompson has personally made many trips to government-run public schools and has touted the virtues of being micro-chipped to the student body. The vehicle he rides in has been dubbed, the “Chip-mobile.”)

The only reason I am telling all of these facts is to point out that the system is now completely in place and becoming widely accepted. First there were hard goods being marked, then animals... and now people. The devil slowly made these changes so that the cry would not be so great. In the middle of the Great Tribulation the Beast will force the lost to receive the “mark” … else, they will not be able to buy or sell because there will be no money any more to exchange for goods.
(Porter Lee Corporation has invented a bar-code system for identifying and recording evidence for law enforcement officers. The title of the system is, at the very least, interesting — BEAST — Bar coded Evidence Analysis Statistics and Tracking. 
March 2, 1999, patent 5,878,155 was issued to Houston inventor Thomas W. Heeter... described as a "Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions".)
I want to give you a few quotes and the reason why end-time governments will force these marks upon people. February 7, 2002 Charlotte A. Twilight, professor of economics at Boise State University in an article entitled, “Why Not Implant a Microchip? Wrote: “Over half the population now supports some form of national identification. If Americans accept a national ID system as they accepted SSN's (Social Security Numbers), and if the intrusiveness of such a system expands as did government-mandated SSN usage, ten years from now (2012) the idea of a national microchip system may not seem as alien and repugnant as it does with SSN's... people will get used to it.”

That was fairly prophetic. As I continually attempt to warn people that this is in fact the “mark” mentioned by Revelation... they usually scoff. People, like unsuspecting sheep, have been readied for this worldly and God-denying system!

Larry Ellison, the billionaire founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation describes his company as “the world's leading supplier of software for enterprise information management.” In the Wall Street Journal he stated: “The single thing we could do to make life tougher for terrorists would be to ensure that all information in myriad government databases was integrated into a single national file.” (Can anyone say... “one-world government.”)

In addition, and in several different interviews, Ellison has also stated that if the U.S.A. would adopt a digital national ID database for every single citizen... he (Larry Ellison) would provide the software at no cost to the government. In a Times article (Rosen) wrote that as he was interviewing Mr. Ellison he had a final question. Here was his question. “ … In 20 years, do you think the global database is going to exist, and will it be run by Oracle?” (This was 2008 when the question was asked. What follows was Mr. Ellison's answer.)

“I do think it will exist, and I think it is going to be an Oracle database, and we're going to track everything.” (I wanted to include that quote because his timetable for that happens to fit perfectly into my timetable of the Rapture and middle of the Great Tribulation period.)

So, the technology is now in place, being used, and becoming more accepted among all people's of the Earth... that is to be willingly implanted. Now, let's look at the Bible to see if this type of mark is really what the apostle John saw when he had his visions from God on the island of Patmos.

It is also important to understand that prophets from all of the different dispensations did their very best to put into words what they were seeing. Remember, what these men saw far into the future had no present likeness to anything they might have experienced in their own lives. So, they described things they saw in their visions from God to the closest things they knew in their present time.

I mean, we can look at a blood-red Moon (which is known as a 'Vulcan-Moon') and if you are a person who enjoys studying the stars you might already know that specific red coloration has to do with certain atmospheric conditions, and the juxtaposition between the Earth, Moon, and the Sun. Remember: John was told by Christ in Revelation 1:11: “... What thou seest, write in a book.” So, as John was looking into the future and seeing what all was happening around the time of the Second Coming of Christ he wrote that “... the moon became as blood.”

Here is another example. Suppose you were an alien from another planet and fortunately you “just happen” to speak the English language? (Don't you just love that in movies... many of the aliens will travel thousands of light years from far distant solar systems... yet, they speak perfect English! I mean, I know a very cute girl from Georgia who regularly reads my blog and she is just a few hours away by car: yet, I can barely understand her whenever we are talking? But these aliens all have perfect dialect. lol)

Anyway, here goes. For the first time as an alien you have just seen a bar-code (UPC) symbol on a can of Coke. Take a few seconds at this point and look closely at it and imagine what you have recently seen that you might think it closely resembles? (Stop reading for a few seconds and find anything with a bar-code and look at it.)

Ready, now describe what a bar-code resembles. What did you come up with? I'll now tell you how John described the bar-codes he saw on everything when he had his visions of the end-times. Let's see if both of you thought of similar things?

John said he saw a “mark” and that no one could buy or sell without having this mark. The Greek word John used (that was translated by the King James translators of 1611) was “charagama.” So, John said that no one could buy or sell without a charagama which literally means “an etching,” and the root of that word is “charax.” Charax means to “… sharpen to a point as a stake – by implication a palisade.” (Now, that is what John said that he saw.)

Keep in mind that modern dictionaries often change the meaning of known words. (The easiest example to see is the word, “gay.” Until well into the 20th century that word only meant carefree or exuberant... now, gay, for most people, has a totally different meaning and is primarily used to designate the homosexual community.) So, in order to make certain we know what the KJV translators were looking at in order to translate the word charagama … I began looking at the definition of these words from a dictionary that would have had the same meaning for the English words as it did for the translators of 1611.

The definitions I found come primarily from Noah Webster's 1828 American dictionary of the English language. Now, before I give you what the verbatim definitions are for what John saw... let me ask you to answer that question I had earlier posed. Remember... you are an (English speaking) alien and you are (for the very first time) seeing a bar-code... what do you think it closely resembles?

How about a picket fence? Is that what you thought of? If not, can you see where someone else might describe it that way?

The 1828 dictionary gives the following definition for the root word, charax... as a palisade, which John said he saw by Divine Revelation from God on the island Patmos. Palisade means, “A fence or fortification consisting of stakes or posts sharpened and set firmly in the ground. In fortification the posts are set two or three inches apart.”

Now, John had certainly never seen a bar-code... but, he had seen walled cities making fence posts so close to each other that an enemies sword or spear could not penetrate the posts. Remember, all that John was seeing was a bar code (charax or palisade) on everything that was being bought and sold! (tiny palisades or picket fences.)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, defines the word charagma as: 5480 charagma, khar'-ag-mah; from the same as 5482 (charax) a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure (statue): — graven, mark.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, defines the "root" word charax as: 5482 charax, khar'-az from charasso (to sharpen to a point; akin to 1125 through the idea of scratching); a stake, i.e. (by impl.) a palisade or rampant (military mound for circumvallation in a siege):—trench.

One more thing about this to confirm the amazing accuracy of the Bible. As it relates to the “mark” that people will wear. The Bible declares the mark will be IN and not ON their right hand or forehead. And of course, that is exactly the places people who are wearing them (in order to make their purchases in clubs and resorts) are getting them... they are being implanted inside their skin!

So... ready or not: here He comes!!!

Before I finish this I thought I might tell one funny story about my mom... writing these things today about the Catholic church and certain signs made me think of her. In 10 days (June 14) she will have been gone for 26 years... it's hard for me to imagine it has been that long!

Anyway, nearly 30 years ago I was on my first radio station and it was very small and in the town of St. Mary's, West Virginia. Perhaps from the name of the town you might have some idea that a lot of catholics had settled in that town and the surrounding areas. But, I didn't care. Regularly I preached on air against the Roman Catholic institution and because of that I garnered quite a bit of hate-mail. This was before email accounts, otherwise I'm certain I would have gotten a lot more like those because they are so much easier to send. Anyway... it always bothered Mom to know that I was getting threatening letters from people I had never met. And after any of my broadcasts if I was particularly hard about a given point she would always call me on the phone and tell me to be careful because of “... all the crazies out there!” lol

(Within two years of that time we were on several stations and two of them were 50,000 watt... then the hate-mail really poured in! Ah, those were some fun days!!!)

Believe it or not I really did enjoy reading letters from people who longed for my early demise. Sometimes they were written so poorly and with so many errors I knew why their priests asked them to not read their own Bibles at home... I'm fairly certain they would not have been able to do that anyway.

I know this is a huge flaw for me in my character: but, I have always found great fun in mocking some people … is that wrong? Lol

The only redeeming quality about that is that I also think it's great fun when people mock me. So, right or wrong I guess I am at least a good sport about it? My only rule I made for myself is that if someone really does have a physical or mental impairment they are off limits... I never poke fun. But, BUT... if they appear to be somewhat normal: well, then it's Katie bar-the-door because I am going to have some fun and make some trouble! I mean, if you could have read some of the letters I used to get they were great! At times I would almost fall from my chair because I was laughing so hard. Yeah... fun times!

Well, next time I will write about the final sign and then I will wrap this series up by answering three things I said I would discuss from my first post. In case I would die or the Lord would return before I post again... I can't wait to see all those I love (and my true friends) in Heaven one day!