Friday, June 08, 2012


Thursday June, 8, 2012 7:05 am

(If my dad had lived, tomorrow, June 9... he would be 92 years old! I would have loved to have seen him live that long.)

I had gone to bed last evening sometime after midnight. I had been steadily working on school papers for more than five hours after I got home from work. I set the alarm for 6:00 (am) and awoke on my own at 3:00 (am) and have now steadily been working for three more hours on school work before I decided to give that a rest and finish the tenth sign for my blog. (Now, I remember why I quit school (the first time) when I was 16. I hated it then and I am learning, rather quickly I might add, to loathe it again!)

This last sign, ISRAEL COMPASSED ABOUT... is recorded in Luke 21:20-28 and this sign will conclude the culmination of all ten signs of things that must come to pass before Christ's Second Coming. Now remember... nine of the ten signs have happened, and have happened REPEATEDLY in the past. However, all ten signs have never before happened! And the remaining nine signs have never before happened in such staggering numbers as they are today.

There is also one other thing to consider. In my personal studies of written history and searching for all ten signs I can not find where they were ever happening on top of each other. Although, let's say that I am wrong about that. (Of course I'm not wrong, but for the sake of argument I'll allow that me being wrong is possible... certainly not likely, but possible? lol)

All kidding aside, even if I were wrong and in recorded history (or otherwise) there has been an era where all of the signs were happening in concert... there is still a valid reason why the Lord could not have returned until only very recently. (And that has to do with the end-time government being in place and the “mark of the Beast.”)

In the past decades and centuries before there has never been a period in time when everything in the world could bear a mark and without that “mark” it would not be bought or sold. Also true is the fact that until this age not every person in the world could easily be given a mark. (Today it is a simple injection under the skin.) And thirdly... for the first time in the history of the world we are at a place where it would be possible to buy and sell all goods without cash ever exchanging hands! At no time in history (and on a worldwide scale) has that been possible before. Think about it: it is but a small step from the (cashless) credit and debit card being scanned... to the same type bar codes being implanted beneath your skin and the computer reading those and making deductions from your account.

(Money will be a thing of the past and what “credits” (the new money) you earn from where you work would be deposited in something similar to today's banks... and the scanner would draw out whatever credits are needed to make what you are purchasing. And the reverse is also true. Whatever you might sell a scanned transaction will add “credits” back to your account.)

So, taking all of that into consideration and seeing all of the signs happening in record breaking numbers, then I say... “get ready to meet the King!” In my next post (which will be the last on this subject) I will lay out a time-line of when I believe certain events will transpire.

Today is not the only time in history that Israel has been “compassed about” by her enemies. The first time it happened was in A. D. 70 and that was when the Romans (who were led by Titus) destroyed Israel and her people were scattered. Deuteronomy 4:23-30 was fulfilled when the Romans scattered Israel and that happened only 70 years after the birth of Jesus Christ: and Deuteronomy 30:1-4 was fulfilled in 1948 when Israel was again returned to her homeland. (God is truly a God of miracles, and He keeps His Holy Word!!!)

You ought to get a map and really take some time to see this next amazing fact! On the one front of Israel you will see the Mediterranean Sea. To the north of Israel you will notice Lebanon. Syria, borders Lebanon and Israel to her northeast, and Jordan is to Israel's east. What do you suppose is south, and southwest of Israel... Saudi Arabia and Egypt! That is what the Bible means when it states that “Israel is compassed about” by all of her sworn enemies! The five apostate nations (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt) are the modern day Roman's: and every one of them wants the utter destruction of Israel! Guess what though? I have read the end of the Book (Bible) and Israel's demise “AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN!” And the reason for this is that God (Himself) will end up fighting for Israel!!!

When you were a kid, did you ever play hide-and-seek? If you did and when it was your turn to hunt for those who were hidden... what did you say before beginning your search. In a very loud voice you probably cried, "READY OR NOT... HERE I COME!"

Well, for the sake of your souls I pray everyone who reads this is ready to meet Him... because... ready or not: HERE HE COMES!!!!!!!

In the next blog (as I can find the time to write) I will post what I believe is a reasonable time frame of when the end of the world will come to pass. If this were a 24 hour day and midnight was the official end of the day... then we are only seconds away from midnight. However, basing the end from the beginning of time... I believe we are just years away and I will state what I believe that number of years will be when I next post.

However, if you are a procrastinator when it comes to accepting Christ and being saved, do not put that off because I have said that we have a few more years until the end of time. (I could be wrong, but I'm not... *** see statement in the fourth paragraph from the top. Lol) But, even if He doesn't return for some years... tragedy could strike and the end of the known world for you would be your own death. So, please, if you are not saved at least be willing to read and consider the claims of Christ: then humble yourself and ask Him to save your soul. He will do that because He longs to forgive and save people from themselves.