Sunday, March 09, 2014


Sunday March 9, 2014 10:54 pm

It's true, no one knows what a day will bring. I used to very much enjoy weekends off: I looked forward to them a great deal. But, not so much lately and I just had two days off and yesterday began and I figured it was just SSDD and my life was not heading in a good direction. BUT, sometimes change comes quickly... is completely unexpected, but very welcome :)

Tomorrow I'm back to the grind... work: ugh! However, even that doesn't seem (at least for now) like quite the drag it usually is. Also I'm not typically a great shopper, and by that I simply mean I'm an impatient shopper. Today was a little different and I had fun looking for some things.

I wanted to quickly tell everyone of a new type diet I'm trying to see if it can speed things up for me in reaching my goals. I just started this last week and so far the results are good and in a few weeks (the end of April) I'll tell you how everything worked. But, three days of each week I am juicing with extremely small caloric intake for the day. Last week I only had two of these days because I started on a Wednesday. But to give an example, last Wednesday I had 240 calories for the entire day and Thursday I had just 270 calories for the entire day.

Anyway since tomorrow will be the start of a full week I will lay out my plans. The first three days will be juice only with very small calorie content. Then, the next two days I won't be counting calories as much but it will be 100% vegan and solid food will be allowed. Then for the weekend I will be eating whatever I want (within reason) and it will be strictly vegetarian but not strictly vegan. Then, I would start over again on the next Monday.

So, I have about 8 weeks to reach my goal weight and I will keep everyone apprised of how this is going. Good luck to any and all who reads this if you too are trying to accomplish any goals in your life as well. I used to believe that diet should be the easiest of all things to accomplish because after all we are in control and choose what we eat? But, it really isn't that simple... or even if it is that simple it still isn't that easy.

I hope all who reads this has a good night and a great day tomorrow. In the morning on my way to work I have one errand to attend and then I have a busy day slated for tomorrow on the job... night everyone :)