Sunday, March 30, 2014

I'M OFF!!!!!!!

Sunday March 30, 2014 9:16 pm

As the title suggests... emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and even metaphysically: I'm off! However, for this one title only I'm meaning... work!

I'm so glad to be done for a week (at least) and heading out Tuesday and happy to be gone for a few days... even if it is only for a few?

I hope any and all who reads this has a good week! I'm not sure if I will write anything else before I leave and most probably nothing while I'm gone? If plans go according to Hoyle... soon I will be drinking tequila and sucking on a big fat Cuban cigar with my … in the sand and my feet in the ocean!!! 

BTW, who the H&*% is Hoyle???