Thursday, March 27, 2014


Thursday March 27, 2014 12:17 am

I'm tired... really tired but still I won't be able to sleep. I know why. In order to rest and actually sleep a person has to be able to either turn thoughts off or at least tamp them down to some bearable degree, and I can do neither one.

So, I'm sitting in a darkened room (my office) with the light from my two monitors burning my eyes and I have been just sort of looking around... and not really seeing anything that I've been looking at. Have you ever done that? News stories don't capture my imagination and I've already picked up and started to read three different books that I like and have read before: yet, I can't get past the first few pages in any of them. Bored I guess?

Oh yeah, I know... I'm a liar. Usually it takes longer than just 48 hours for me to be found out, but I said early Tuesday morning that I was stopping this for awhile... writing blogs I mean. Maybe sometime I will, for real. But for now maybe I still need the anonymity of writing to mostly people I do not know and those who do not know me. Strangely I find that thought somewhat comforting this morning. Anonymity... mostly it gets a bad rap but I rather like it: this morning even more so than usual.

I thought of Dickinson's short poem about being a nobody when I realized I was comforted tonight by writing to an anonymous group of other nobodies. So, just in case you feel you are a somebody and if you have gotten this far then please stop reading this blog!!! For this early morning these words and this blog should only be read by a nobody like me... writing to other nobodies: hopefully you?

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you -- Nobody -- too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise -- you know!

How dreary -- to be -- Somebody!
How public -- like a Frog --
To tell one's name -- the livelong June -- 
To an admiring Bog!

In the last few days I received two emails from people who had read something I had written about in two of my latest blogs. Both made several astute comments about what I had written and each also asked several questions.

One person, I guess(?) we had corresponded before and the other letter writer I know well. If either one of you are up and reading this I'm not asking you to write again? At least not now... not this morning, and not in lieu of my plea I'm putting out now. Besides, neither one of you would actually qualify for who I'm looking for this morning. 

The first letter writer I suspect is actually a somebody and I could tell by the neat way she writes. And the other one I KNOW is a somebody and I hope you and your daughter are both sweetly sleeping at this early hour :)

Ok, now for the rest of you nobodies who are out there and can't sleep either... write to me or call me and we can talk. My first book I had published (because it was completely out of my character in real life) I used a pseudonym when I wrote. I used a name I had set up my email service with years before: Clark Matthews. 

So, if you are a nobody and you want to write I can be reached at My name is Robin... and yep: I'm a guy with a name that is more commonly given for girls. If you would rather call than write I can be reached at 812-406-7708. 

I mostly don't sleep and I usually have my phone nearby... so, call or write anytime: BUT only if you are only a nobody too! This morning, I'm pretty sure I couldn't deal well with any person who believes themselves to be a  somebody.

Well, I stopped writing long enough to turn my hourglass over again so I can have a visual aid to help me watch my life passing. My glass sits atop my wine cooler. Hmmmmm, wine cooler: now there's an idea! I think I will drink a bit and wait to hear from someone. Seriously, if you are out there... call me!

To any who might read this and can actually fall asleep then I wish you well and I so wish I could do that also.

Night :)