Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Wednesday March 19, 2014 1:02 pm

It's raining outside, still cool... and just one day from springtime. “Mother Nature” is less predictable than ever and acting ever more like Sybil. I would like to see a few days in a row where I can get out and begin enjoying the things I most like. Normally I like rain, but even for me enough is enough. For today I'm going to imagine I'm like the Sakkaros family and rain is anathema to me. Even though in real life I'm quite the opposite of sugar :)

On another note as of this morning I have 40 days and 40 nights to reach what should be the easiest goal I have set for myself, and that is to simply be at a designated weight I think would be best for me at my age. Continuing with the thought of rain... if God can completely destroy the Earth in that time-span surely that ought to be an ample length of days for me to attain this one rather simple weight loss goal!

Seriously, if a person can not control what we eat... what hope is there then of ever accomplishing anything of any real importance in our lives? (I am simply writing these thoughts today as a means of chiding myself as I must read them before posting and to remind myself how very easy this ought to be!)

I'm off to work in a few minutes as both today and tomorrow I work my most hated shift... that of closing. However, if there is a bright spot (though small) it is that I am off Friday and apart from one appointment my day should be my own. Although it never seems as if that is the case for me, but we shall see?

I hope all who reads this blog today has a really nice day.