Tuesday, March 08, 2016

BETRAYED (286...5/146

Tuesday March 8, 2016 8:00 pm

I suppose it's this date in particular and the Ides of March (fast approaching) in general that has caused me to think about this subject. I tried to think of well known betrayers throughout history and I came up with 7 people. In the end though I decided not to use Tokyo Rose, Dona Marina, Benedict Arnold, or Aldrich James. After thinking about it I decided that even though their names are very common when anyone discusses traitors their crimes were not as personal as the three I chose to write about. The above people all harmed from tens of thousands to millions of people but the hurt they caused was not exactly personal.

The three I chose are Judas Iscariot, Bob Ford, and Marcus Brutus. Naturally I believe the person who tops all others when it comes to intimate betrayal is Judas... as even the name Judas is synonymous with evil and traitors.

I chose Bob Ford because he was supposed to be a friend to Jesse James but in a cowardly act he shot and killed him from behind.

Then, Brutus also was a great betrayer as Julius Caesar believed Brutus loved him. Instead, his hand was on one of the knives which was used to kill Caesar. I seriously doubt it was actually stated, nonetheless I love the phrase that was attributed to him in his dying breath as Caesar fixed his gaze upon Brutus and said, "Et tu, Brute?" (Even you Brutus?)

Two of these cases of betrayal was for money... and one I believe (Brutus) was for love of state more than man. However, in my mind there is NEVER a reason to betray someone if you honestly love them. I think the betrayal is absolute proof that words and deeds do not match and the act of the betrayer is a strong statement that words were only cheap lies. Remember, actions always speak louder than words!

It might be a bit before I write again... we shall see.

I hope any who reads this has a good evening.