Friday, February 19, 2016


Friday February 19, 2016 9:50 pm

I have tried to stay above the fray, I really have. But, Clinton... both of them are smarmy, oleaginous, sleezy, slimy, liars!!! Honestly, whenever I think of Obama or the Clintons' I feel like I need to take another shower!

From Bill saying, "I never had sex with that woman..." to admitting smoking pot, but never inhaling, to now Hillary in a recent interview saying about lying, "I don't believe I ever have!" I DON'T BELIEVE I EVER HAVE!!!

She is either delusional (very possible) or a pathological and habitual liar and she does not even know the truth! Can you imagine a person so arrogant and foolish as to say, not once but three times when asked about lying that she NEVER HAS!!! NEVER has!

And apparently we have an electorate so dense and bereft of logical thinking that they could (twice) elect a liberal Socialist (Obama) to office and now this same electorate has a known liar (Hillary) as their front runner! Amazing, absolutely amazing!

Maistre wrote, "In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve." Here is the thing, I am a fallen man: however, even though that is true, personally I deserve better than an Obama or a Clinton. If anyone reading this is so stupid and so sycophantic to vote for anyone like that... then, Maistre's quote is true for you... you deserve them!