Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Wednesday February 10, 2016 12:39 pm

"In a person's lifetime there may be not more than half a dozen occasions that he can look back to in the certain knowledge that right then, at that moment, there was room for nothing but happiness in his heart." ~ Ernestine Carey

I know in looking backward that I can recall those fleeting moments when it was also true for me that... right then, at that moment, there was room for nothing but happiness... in my heart, I also now understand that I never realized back then just how brief and far apart such moments as those are.

Everyone knows about the "big" room for nothing else but happiness moments in their hearts: first true love, marriage, babies, grandchildren, etc. but as I grow older I better understand there are other, though less obvious, happy moments as well.

I suppose I was thinking these thoughts because a few minutes ago I was watching three little ones on the couch across from me who were oblivious to me even being in the room because they were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on tv.

As I was busily watching them and smiling as they "talk" to the tv and cry out "Oh Toodles" and sing "Hot dog... hot diggity dog" and count along with the characters they watch, I paused in my enjoyment to wonder if this is one of those moments in time for me?

Because if it was I was wanting to see if there was a way to try and make it last somehow? I mean, had I known that those brief moments of pure happiness I was experiencing back then... might have they meant even more had I known just how quickly they would pass???

Alas he thought, as he sighed heavily and prepared to bring another inane blog to a close: whether it be three babies on a couch enjoying cartoons or just watching someone pay for gas and walk back to their car... moments, even great ones, pass so very quickly!

(NOTE TO READER... all that follows is a bonus???)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This 'bonus' is a funny story I'm telling on myself :)

I had finished my blog and I quickly read through it to try and catch any spelling errors then the last thing I always do is go back to the top and type in the time and then I hit 'publish.'

Thankfully though as I was ready to publish it something resonated in my mind so I moved back to the last paragraph, and I read it again, and, HAHAHAHAHA

I had definitely referred to myself in the third person! lol So, sitting here at my small desk I started laughing. I thought of Jimmy in an old Seinfeld episode. HAHAHA

From past reading I know that most psychologists believe there are three basic reasons why people do this: they are either self obsessed, narcissistic, or detached from reality. I think if any of those apply to me it could be the last one... but I'm not sure?

Anyway, I found it quite amusing I did that. I'm thinking now that for my next blog I might say something like, "Rob likes Reece peanut butter cups, Rob hates ties, Rob really loves ...... etc. etc. etc. lol

Hahahaha, I really can't stop smiling thinking about having done that :)

Well, I hope that Robin... and anyone else who reads this has a good day today :)