Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Wednesday February 17, 2016 9:47 am

I wish I could write in such a way as to convey a hilarious moment I saw last night. Yet, I already know this is going to fall flat and might not even seem funny? I think it's because I have no true way of painting a mental image of the slumped shoulders, the small voice, tilted head, and downcast eyes as she extended her small hand clutching a crumpled dollar and said, "Here." LOL!!!

Apparently in this one act it was both her peace offering and perhaps even payment for having a dirty diaper changed. Trinity, who is four, came flying down the stairs to me last night and said she didn't want a "whuppin", and that IS how she pronounces it. I assured her that no one was going to whip her but what was wrong?

She is being trained to go to the toilet but at times when she gets too busy playing she will not go to the bathroom until it's too late. I can only imagine she has heard threats of a spanking if she waits too long: even though such pronouncements are apparently made, they are just that... threats only as a whuppin doesn't materialize.

So, last night I called out for her grandma to come in and change her. After she came in I explained the situation and with hands on hips Deb stared down at her... Trin had been standing quietly and taking the whole situation in with a concerned look on her face. Her small shoulders slumped as she looked down with her head slightly twisted away... her arm shot out with her hand clutching her dollar and she said, "Here." Deb and I started laughing at the same time!!!