Monday, May 11, 2020


Monday May 11, 2020 3:27 am

I simply can't sleep and am bored. Sitting at my desk (with Joe asleep behind me) I have been watching some old episodes of Frazier and decided to start a blog and see if I can become interested in writing something?

I did finish a couple of books last week by Grisham, Gray Mountain and The Reckoning. Neither were close to his best works, but in The Reckoning his description of the historical Bataan Death March was vivid and well written!

Parts of Gray Mountain I did find interesting... especially his description of mining operations in WV, Kentucky, etc. However, he never fully developed several of his characters, and in my humble opinion, the lead character completely changed in the last couple of pages in the book, and that made her character completely unbelievable. I think he either grew weary in writing this novel, or he just figured another book was done and based on his reputation it would sell and he could pad his already substantial bank account. Whatever the reason, another unsatisfying ending.

Well, having gotten this far in my blog I realize I'm boring myself, so I can't imagine how someone reading this must feel? Goodnight.