Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thursday November 10, 2011 11:57 am

I just came back from the post office and decided to write my blog. Even though my birthday is not yet for a couple of days I have already received gifts... yay! I have received things that are yummy... and yes, I have already eaten something which was probably meant for my birthday... but, I will have one then as well (: I have also received thoughtful gifts and I have read beautiful sentiments: all things... all things... more than I deserve!

I suppose because I have never really grown up, (sort of like Barrie's Pan: except I can't fly) only grown older, my mind ran to presents. I mean really, isn't that what all kids think about on their birthdays? Anyway, I began to try and categorize my favorite presents that I have ever received. When you are as fortunate as I have been to have known people who have both loved me and have been generous, then any person might imagine it would prove difficult, if not impossible, to try and come up with only one gift as my all-time favorite. Yet, I was able to do just that and I will tell you how this was possible.

In my mind I began with a long list, so I started practicing what I learned many years ago in mathematics... I began reducing to the LCD and very quickly I realized something. In my mind and every single time my list grew smaller there was one particular gift which was appearing at the top of every new list. So, in the end, what at first seemed daunting I found that I could find a clear winner among that group (: Though I will never share with any of my readers what the present was I received that particular birthday, I will say that it was so very small it fit perfectly into my hand: yet, because of the hope, beauty, promise, and love which was conveyed by the giving of this gift it was so very big that it completely filled... and even unto this day, still fills my heart! And to be perfectly honest, at this later stage in my life it is mostly all I ever think about (: Today I am 20,452 days old and I was 12,420 days old when I received that particular gift! The years between that day and today have indeed passed... as the Bible declares: faster than a weaver's shuttle!

I cannot not say with certainty that Robert Frost is my favorite poet, because I like many different ones: however, I can say for certain that his poem RELUCTANCE is one of my favorite poems... especially the last verse. But, if I were to dissect poems and only pluck out single stanzas then the first verse in Pushkin's, A MAGIC MOMENT I REMEMBER is really wonderful as well... and speaks to what I am alluding today:

A magic moment I remember:
I raised my eyes and you were there.
A fleeting vision, the quintessence
of all that's beautiful and rare.

I would very much like to thank all those who wished me well within the last several days and a few even gave gifts... all are wonderful, and one in particular will be cherished forever (: THANK YOU ...... !!!!!!!

Saturday after my 13.1 is complete I will be heading off to my uncle Charlie's. Okay, okay... not really my uncle, but I am giving myself a present on that day as well. Later I will record for the readers of this blog how that turned out. Ouch... I suspect (:

I had meant to stop with the above line: however, as usual, I read back through what I have typed and I try (as best I can) to proof my own work before I strike the “publish” key. Now, I'm sure any who often read this blog finds many errors I make as I type and perhaps might wonder why I don't catch those as well? In my defense I can only say it is probably because I know what I mean to say as I am typing. Therefore, whenever I go back and read the printed words... I might not actually be seeing the text as much as I am only seeing what I meant to type? (Also, I have no idea on Earth why I just told everyone that as I was only wanting to explain why I didn't stop with the above paragraph.)

The reason I didn't... as I was trying to proofread what I had written the line I typed with the truism from the Bible about the passage of time (literally) made my heart skip a beat. And once again I came to understand that I still have several things in my life which are important to me and up until now I have left undone. So, as I was reading, I reminded myself of my short bucket-list of things I very much want to do in this life. And in the same manner I used to determine my all-time favorite gift there is one thing on this short list (of four) I would really love to do... above all else! So... that is now my goal, and by the springtime of this new year: do that one thing for certain! Yes, even if I never get to the other three things on my list... at least accomplish that goal (:

In case there ever comes a day when someone might find out what it is that tops my bucket-list and possibly could find reasons to disapprove... well, I am going to leave you with one of my favorite quotes that some people attribute to a children's author: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

So there: to any and all possible naysayers ... take that from Dr. Seuss! (lol)

One more thing... today I also read (several times through) another beautiful poem I will now add to my list of favorites (: