Wednesday, February 08, 2012

5-4-3-2-1 ... 0

Wednesday February 8, 2012 10:20 pm

I started with five... two were of a more serious nature, and three were whimsy. Two whimsy and one of the serious ones were gone after fifteen days. Then, there were two... and that lasted until yesterday, and now there are none.

If I live until then I am confident I will make no resolutions for 2013. Of course we might not make it past 12/20-21... remember, the world is supposed to end? The good news if that were to happen is that none of us would ever have to fail with any more resolutions. Just curious, if I still have any readers at all after weeks without writing... did any of you make a resolution? And if you did... how's it going with you?

Have any of you ever started strong, determined... going to do something regardless: then, it all falls apart anyway. I guess no matter how well-intentioned or determined a person might be about something... anything; there is one sure-fire way for all of those good intentions to be carried away. Blaise Pascal said it better than I can: "All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling."

So, I am back to square one. Really less than that. When I started with one I was sort of on level ground... now I am much afraid I have dug a hole, a rather deep one.(lol) 5-4-3-2-1 ... and there there was none. I think that's a synopsis of my life :(

On a lighter note I had Virgil out earlier this week and I heard one of my favorite sounds in nature. A woodpecker was (apparently) very high in a tree and busy. I love that staccato rapid-fire sound they make. I stopped walking and searched for him everywhere, but I never did spot him. Which seemed to me a bit unusual because all of the trees are mostly bare. Regardless, I still enjoyed the sounds he was making. I think this warm weather has deceived the animals and they are preparing for springtime whilst we are still (supposedly) in the middle of winter?

Finally, I have had someone on my heart and in my mind a lot and I am sending prayers and praying that everything is well with them. I know that worry is a sin and I shouldn't do that... although, if worrying was my worst sin, I think I would feel like I ought to be nominated for sainthood.