Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'M AS MAD AS #@%*

Sunday November 27, 2011 9:45 pm

In the famous words of cult hero to the masses... “I'm as mad as **** and I'm not going to take this anymore!” (Howard Beale, as portrayed by Peter Finch in Network) I guess in reality my anger is somewhat mitigated by my apparent stupidity. I mean... when I wrote that the picture I was trying to post to yesterdays' blog might be sideways I was only trying to be self-deprecating... I really did not believe it would be (: But, it was!!!

Also, if I were really that angry instead of asterisks I would type the word used in the movie by Beale as it was then (literally) shouted from the housetops by scores of people. By the way, it really was an entertaining movie with an unexpected ending.

Now to the reason why I am writing tonight. What comes to mind when you hear or speak of something lost which is irreplaceable? Would you imagine an irreplaceable item being intrinsically tied to monetary worth... maybe? I suppose that in some, or even the majority of cases this would be true but... not for what I am blogging about this evening.

And the reason it has been lost... misplaced... not where it should be... etcetera is so petty as to not be believed. If any of you read this tonight and you are a cusser... offer a few of the worst words you know for me this evening... I mean it! I got my report yesterday morning on my email of what countries logged on this week to read. There was several, but two stood out: Singapore, and Russia.

I've read where there are some from your countries who are renowned swearers. If any of you are back this week to read again... the next time you are mad: hit your hand with a hammer... a woman driver infuriates you... your favorite team loses... I don't care what upsets you... let fly with a blue streak and name them all after me! How about using “chush' …... ..” That's one is appropriate, or for those from Singapore fling this one out there for me “anak …..” Actually (perhaps sadly) I already know several swear words in the Spanish language. I was using a girl at work to help me speak some in Spanish and she thought it was funny to teach me some foul language as well. She gave herself away every time though because as soon as I would repeat this new word she would begin to laugh hysterically (:

I'll quit blabbering after I tell all of you this. Every single material thing I have of any real value... and I'm only speaking of dollar value now, I have in my little office here. I sat a few minutes ago and mentally made some calculations and added up what it would cost to replace what I have in this room. Including the few collectible items I have gathered over the years I think I could purchase all of it again for maybe 10,000. Do you know I would trade all of it to get back the one item which was taken from me and as far as money is concerned it would be valueless. But to me it was priceless and simply, both literally and figuratively, irreplaceable!

I guess I can bring myself to say that this being lost is CRAP! And that is with a capital C. R. A. P. !!!