Sunday, November 20, 2011


Sunday November 20, 2011 2:23 pm

Exactly 22 years ago today (Nov. 20) I had one of life's wonderful experiences: it is something that is never far from my thoughts or my heart. In one sense (but only in my mind) it well could have been yesterday... as I remember it so vividly. Yet, there is another part of me that understands that it was so long ago it might as well have never even happened?

If you are a younger person and reading this I would like to pose a scenario for you. If you are near my age then this would not work for you, as you most probably will not have 22 more years left in your future. However, if you are of an age where an average life expectancy would permit you another 22 trips around the Sun... then try this.

Imagine there is going to be something which will happen to you today that all other experiences for the next 22 years will be measured against that single experience. And, in doing so you will find that few experiences you are destined for in life will ever measure up to the joy and promise of that one.

If you are able to do this: imagine there is going to be something for you on this day that you will carry that single memory with you until the end of your life... then what follows is my thought for this blog.

Because we are only human and can not know the future, if something wonderful happens to you today... tomorrow... the next day... etcetera... please... PLEASE, don't take it for granted! Don't ever believe there will be other days or other experiences that are so perfect in life that if your life were to end with that experience, then it would be enough for you.

I was going to post a poem by Sir Walter Raleigh: What Is Our Life, but I thought against it as I seem to publish a lot of poems. Instead, I thought that in finishing this I would just like to encourage all who read this post to cherish every special thing which happens to you in life... because such wondrous things might never come your way again ):