Sunday, March 04, 2012


Sunday March 4, 2012 11:25 am

Do you ever stop, I mean really... just stop? Stop and reflect on your life. That is, what has already been and what might possibly still come? I find myself doing this quite often. Wondering, or perhaps just daydreaming about how different things might otherwise have been if a chance meeting had not happened... or, what if it had?

We live our everyday lives in nanoseconds as the past blurs with the present and rushes into the future, our unknown. I sit here this morning in a quiet house, just waiting, thinking, and watching the clock until it will be time for me to leave and go to work. And I can't help but to contemplate my life and failures. To be fair there are some successes, but for the most part they are not as many nor as momentous as what I have failed in wanting to do.

John Greenleaf Whittier wrote a very famous peom … MAUD MULLER. Whenever you have the opportunity to do so, it is worth reading... then reading again. I have often said the poem (near the end) has a truly sad, and and yet (somehow) inspiring few words. “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: “it might have been!”

The story he tells is as old as the beginning of mankind, yet, it is as new as this morning as I type these few words. Love lost... or perhaps just settled?

I ask all of my readers... though my weekly counter I receive at my email address shows they are not so very many any more at all. So, I will restate my question. To my few readers of this blog... whenever you allow yourselves a quiet time of introspection: what thought or thoughts most frequently capture your imagination and causes you with a wistful sigh to echo Whittier's words... “it might have been!”

I take one thing back I just wrote... in reading those four words again: I can find nothing inspirational in them at all ):