Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Wednesday August 29, 2012 9:43 pm

Simplification... the first prong of my new goals is well underway. I suppose as with everything in life there has to be a starting point.

Several hours ago... during my lunch break (at 3:00 today) I finished giving away about half of my remaining books from my library. To the school I gave the majority of my Christian books. I think there was a little more than seven dozen I took to the school. (The rest I donated to Randy and his second-hand store.)

I think every time I try to implement something new or different in my life I always encounter some obstacle I hadn't thought about before. It looks like this time will be no different, but I have a new attitude and a little different mindset and I think this time things will work out okay?

(The book I read most often, among those I still had, I also gave to the school today. When we first moved to this house a couple of years ago I did something similar in that I either sold or gave away a lot of my own things... now I am paring down even more!)

Maybe they'll be some regrets, but I hope not. Of course, I am not particularly speaking about giving away certain possessions. For most of my life I have not been enamored with "things." In fact, most everything I have that I really like has nothing to do with material value... it's mostly important to me if there is some sentimental value that it holds for me.

Probably about three months ago I first had a new way of thinking about things. Looking back, I am not sure why I hadn't thought of things in that light before. I suppose it has to do with my age. Maybe I am finally "growing up?" Nah... that couldn't be it (:

Perhaps, as a way of explanation, I want to state why I usually ask questions of those who read my blog. I never really expect any person to answer... so, I think I ask because it helps me to think more deeply about what I ask and that in turn causes me to focus and I sometimes can see things more clearly that way

(Before continuing I want to backtrack and state for the record that there is one book that I kept whose author was a profane man... Mark Twain. The particular book I kept is really old and, at least for now, I didn't want to part with it.)

Ever heard the expression... "Rob Peter to pay Paul?" Well, I can't explain now, but in a sense that is what I will be doing. However, that won't be for awhile yet. I'll keep you posted. (lol)

Though it might seem ridiculous to any person who reads this, but, I am (still) typing this blog and doing my school work on Deb's laptop: even though I have a fully functioning (new) laptop of my own hooked up and ready to go in my office. However, I can't seem to get used to the little pad on it and I haven't had the time to go anywhere and buy a new keyboard and mouse I can hook up to it. So I guess... I miss my mouse! 

Okay, now to my questions... tonight there will be two: each one is totally independent of the other. One of the questions is completely ludicrous, or at least the subject matter is. The other question will be a little more serious... at least to me it is.

The night before last I had a weird dream, now in this dream there were three people, including myself. One of the people could best be described as myself having had a friendly relationship... though we were not exactly friends. In the dream she was being ornery and kept doing things to bother me. Every time I would begin to be upset with her she would jump into the water and swim... the problem: the water was full of alligators! On her last jump in I had my back to the water talking to the other person and I heard her say, "Uh oh!" I looked and she was gone. I started pulling in... that's right, "pulling in" my leash and on the other end was an empty harness! (She had been on a leash! LOL ) I awoke and looked at the clock until I could read the time... 3:30 am, so I had been asleep for a couple of hours. I started thinking about the dream and I began to laugh. Here I am in a dark room and Deb and the girls are asleep in another room and I didn't want to wake them: so, I had to put a pillow to my face and laugh into it to not make any noise. I HAD HER ON A LEASH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

My first question for tonight's blog is only this: why do you think we dream dreams that seem like they could make sense to a sleeping person: however, after awaking they seem so silly!

Time passes so quickly... I'm not sure but I think (maybe) about a year ago I first heard the song on the radio, "Don't Think I Don't Think About It." From that very first time, until this evening driving home I always switch channels when I hear the opening notes. However, tonight I listened to it all the way through and that is why after I got home I thought I would type this blog... so that I could especially ask the next question for anyone who reads this.

Whenever a sad song plays on air, do you do like me, and... run!!! Or, are you tougher and do you listen all the way through... even if it makes you very sad ):