Monday, August 20, 2012


Monday August 20, 2012 8:03 pm

This morning is the first day of my fall classes and the first day of the Christian school at our church. I drove Deb in to church this morning as she will be keeping the nursery as school is in session. I also wanted to see the girls as they begin this new year. Tammy will be helping out in the school on Mondays' and Missy is the school's administrator.

As is usual the first day of the new year the early part of the day is held in the sanctuary as all of the rules and guidelines are gone over... again. I watched Missy speak for about an hour and I couldn't help but smile as it took me back to nearly 30 years ago, and I would have been doing something very similar. Although, truth-be-told I thought she did a better job of going over everything than I used to do it.

Six of the students who make up the student body of the Christian school (at this time) are our grandchildren. (Our other seven grandchildren are still too young to be in school.) Anyway, it was a fun morning for me to watch everything and then I had to leave for work. And now I am home and have to begin classes for my school. The very good news is that I am only taking two full-time classes and they are stretched out over a 16 week course: so, it should be very easy for me to get everything done.

I hope all who reads this has a great night!!!