Tuesday, August 07, 2012


Tuesday August 7, 2012 8:57 pm

Is it possible that we are all connected in ways that science could never measure? Last night I had a dream, and the person who was in it I probably hadn't thought about in the last  ten years and I hadn't seen since Steph graduated from high-school. We had a large gathering and a party for Steph's entire class and that is the last time I had seen this person. My dream was innocent, and in it we were just sitting at an airport and talking. (The only reason I knew it was an airport was that over her shoulder I could see planes taking off and landing.)

After I awoke from my dream the rest of my morning was typical of so many others. (Shower, dress, go to work, etc.) A few minutes before lunch, the person I had not seen in more than a dozen years and had not even thought about for nearly that same period of time... walked into the department where I work! Now, how is that even possible?

We had a great conversation as we talked about old-times. Evidently a couple of weeks ago she had seen one of the girls post something on FB and she said that got her thinking about things, and she was in the area anyway and just wanted to stop in and say hello.

Do you think it's possible that when we think of someone... somehow they know it? I know that coincidences are possible? But, doesn't that seem as remarkable to you (who are reading this) as it does to me? I mean, not seeing  or hearing from someone for years... have a dream about them, and then actually see them later the same day!

Anyway, it might only be me, but I was sort of weirded out by that for the rest of the day.

On another note I drank something today I had not tried before. A sales rep had dropped off a couple of cases of Red Bull (energy drink) and left them in the refrigerator at work. According to the information on the can it is supposed to make a person think more clearly? I thought, "Well, that certainly couldn't hurt?" I drank one and waited a few minutes and I could tell absolutely no difference. So, I tried another, and I have to say that honestly... I can still tell no difference whatsoever? Do you think that would make me a bad spokesperson for their company if I were to ever try and advertise their product? (lol) Anyway, as long as they are free and still in the break-room I will drink them, but I'm pretty confident I would never buy one.