Saturday, July 28, 2012

"Papaw I Don't Want To See It" (OR) "It's Touching Me!"

Saturday July 28, 2012 8:09 am

Night-before-last I had picked Steph's three girls up after VBS to bring them to our house. All of the kids had been riding the bus to and from VBS, but the bus has no air-conditioning and in this sweltering heat I thought they could use a break.

Usually whenever I go anywhere in my car I try and take Virgil with me... so, when I picked the girls up he was in his usual spot beside me in the front seat. However, Hazel had not eaten her food while in the gym so she brought out her mac & cheese and a hot dog with a drink. I had her sit up front with me so she had room to eat, and Rachel and Hallie sat in the back with Virgil.

Virgil wanted to be with me so he put his head between the seats and tried pushing forward trying to get up front. So, I had to drive with my right arm between the seats blocking his path. Finally, after I had driven for awhile he must have accepted his situation and he relaxed the front part of his body and laid his head on my arm. Naturally, this caused his rear end to be high in the air as his head was down. Of course... this caused a wee bit of a problem?

Hallie started... and Rachel soon chimed in: "Ooh, what's that?" She said.

Rachel, "You know what it is Hallie, that's how God made boy dogs."

Hallie, "Well, I don't like it. Papaw... I don't want to look at it!"

Me, "Okay Hallie, then don't... just look out the window or something?"

(I suppose I ought to interject here... Virgil is all boy, if you know what I mean? God seemed to be especially generous to my little man. So, I suppose if you are in the back-seat of a compact car and there is a 60 pound dog with his head low and his rear high in the air... well, it might be difficult to see much else?)

Hallie, deepens her voice and begins a mantra: "Alright Virgil... you know the drill, "HEAD UP, BUTT DOWN... HEAD UP, BUTT DOWN... HEAD UP, BUTT DOWN! Over and over she keeps repeating this. I'm beginning to laugh and I look over at Hazel and she has her head down while taking small bites of her food and she is also grinning.

In the first place... I am wondering, where did Hallie ever hear the phrase, "you know the drill?" I am also laughing because of her phrase, "head up, butt down." Now, I'm not sure if Virgil became tired holding his body in that position, or if he finally understood her intent... even if he didn't grasp her words? Either way, he pushed up with his front paws and his head came up, and his butt went down. (That posed another problem.)

If Virgil, is "all boy" ... Rachel, is "all girl!" She is truly a girly-girl. I remember when she was not much more than a year old and I had given her a lollipop to eat and it caused her face all around her lips to become purple. I thought it was cute and I showed her her reflection in a mirror, and she immediately burst into tears, she didn't like being messy. From the time she was old enough to dress herself, all of her clothes had to be neat and everything in place. Anyway, she is not one to like things messy, gross, or out of place.

She had been sitting behind the passenger seat with her left hand resting on the rear seat. When Virgil raised the front part of his body, and sat down... he sat on her hand! She shrieked... "It's touching me!"

Now, I burst out laughing and Hazel also started laughing. All the while, Hallie is in the back seat and mocking... while Rachel continues to shriek.

Apparently Virgil sat down hard and he wasn't moving, I adjust my mirror so I can see her and by now she has given up struggling, and her head is laid against the glass and she keeps wailing... "It's touching me!" Kids and dogs are great fun!

On another note, I have begun something new today and it has to do with a lament that was sort of asked... and then answered by the actor Anthony Hopkins in a movie entitled "The Edge." In response to the sentiment Hopkins expressed, Baldwin derisively says, "Yeah... you'll be the first."

My goal is still a future one and truth-be-told I know that I will be met with abject failure in my attempt, but, if I never try... how will I know with certainty? IWBIFATDT...S... BTIAWMWBTYB(S)WABLI...ILISA!!! ... ILISA ... ):

I hope everyone has a great day today! This will be my first weekend off since before summer began that I can honestly say is my own... as I have no assignments which I have to get in. I'm not certain if I will post anything else before I get my final grades? If not, I will at least post something whenever they come in.