Monday, January 21, 2013


Monday January 21, 2013 5:09 pm

Well... where's the snow? If the weather is going to get this cold, I want snow! I hope everyone bundles up tonight and enjoys this wintry weather.

I am going to tell everyone my favorite fantasy in all the world... almost? However, I am going to end mine like a certain soft drink commercial does by asking one question.

There is a cabin in the woods, very secluded... an unexpected snowstorm with blizzard conditions has left two travelers stranded. Inside, the cabin is well stocked with food and drink and it is warm and comfortable. No trouble with the power so there are lights, now turned low and someone has even left some old records there with a phonograph so they could be played.

There is a roaring fire in the fireplace and a large, thick, rug in front of the hearth: "...and..."

I hope everyone can hear okay on the video because the wind was blowing pretty hard and I wasn't sure if the microphone on the phone would pick up the audio very well.