Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Winter Wonderland... NOT!!!

Wednesday January 16, 2013 9:25 am

With all the talk about bad weather and storm warnings on TV I fell asleep on the couch with high hopes of a heavy snowfall when I awoke. So, shortly after daylight I stepped out back hoping to see us snowed in? Well, a couple of hours after I first stepped out my video shows what we actually got... it was a great disappointment!

 Last evening I began in earnest getting a lot of work done for my on-line classes and I did okay, but I started out one day behind because of my book order being delayed. So, after I upload this morning's blog I will finish a DB post for school and then read for awhile before I have to get ready to go to work.

I already know that with today's work shift I won't be able to make it to the gym so I am hoping to be able to get back there tomorrow after work and before coming home. I always keep thinking that I have never really had a lot of "time" that was my own. Maybe none of us really do?

We all have responsibilities and things we should do and need to do, but I was thinking that life (at least for me) might have been happier if I had less of a sense of what was the "right" thing(s) to do? But I also know that what it is that would have made me happiest in this life is now too late to pursue... so because that is true I would like to at least find some passable alternative. (Because the clock is ticking... and in my mind I hear it all the time.)

I do not know the physical makeup of whatever small group it is who still reads my blog, but if it were a 50/50 split between men and women then with my next statement I guess I will alienate all of the females who reads what I write next. There is a movie character named Gil and many times in my life I have felt the exact same angst he felt when he said that... men have responsibilities but women have choices. Now, I am sure that is not always the case as there are a lot of deadbeat, shiftless, and lazy guys out there and women have to take up the slack those guys leave. But, I think he was speaking in general? However, it was a statement that soon followed that one that I always think of for my own life.

He was getting ready to leave and he was asked... do you "have" to go? Gil then said, "My whole live is 'have to.'" Poor Gil... why did he and I "have to" be responsible and do what is "right?" When maybe what was said to be "right" wasn't right at all?

I am going to change the subject before I completely bum myself out and do something crazy like buy a big old Harley and flee west... "Go west "young man" (Hahaha on the young man part) is a phrase I keep thinking about. Some believe that time-travel would be dependent upon traveling at accelerated speeds (speed of light +) so I much doubt I could get that speed on my bike (lol) but if I could I know for sure the time and place I would end up and certain things I would try differently. I want a "do over!"

Now, to that change of subject. I suppose when I write this there might be some who would believe that I must go to sites or web pages which cater to girls or things like that, else I wouldn't get the emails I regularly get? Anyway, I really do not do that: nonetheless, I get these things all the time (: This morning's email was very tame compared to what I usually get, still it wasn't anyone I knew. This latest one the title asked: Remember Me? Then when I clicked on to read it started with, "Hey babe." HAHAHA. Anyway, I really do not know anyone named Kelsey?

Deb just brought to me my last book which was just delivered by FedEx. The school is on a 2 hour delay so she is still home. I was thinking that if a half inch of snow places a school on a 2 hour delay, what's next? Would a foot of snow close it down until June or July? Well, I hope all who reads this has a fun and safe day!!!