Monday, January 14, 2013


Monday January 14, 2013 6:22 pm

Hello again. I am never sure what I am going to record until I think of something I want to share about my life with any who might read my blog. Today though it was easy. I had gone to Walmart on my lunch hour to buy a certain hot sauce I wanted to try... but they didn't have it. Regardless, I'm glad I went. I had picked up some fresh fruit and mixed nuts, water, etc. and was standing in a line of 20 items or less, waiting to pay. There was only one person in front of me and their order had been rung up when I heard a commotion behind me, and I turned and there was an older, bearded, man carrying on.

He was walking fast toward the front of the store and shouting all kinds of obscenities. When I caught a glimpse of this haggard guy striding forth and cussing with all he had it made me laugh. This was more than saying, "crap," I think he was trying to say every bad word he had ever heard?  I guess because as he passed in the next aisle and saw me laughing he stared at me as he walked by and at the top of his lungs he screamed... "HE CALLS HIS ARMIES OUT" It was hilarious!!! I immediately reached for my phone trying to record him but he was clear to the door before I had it ready ):

I paid and hurried to my car trying to find where he had gone after he left. I got lucky and saw him crossing the main hwy so I hurried through another light... I say yellow... although if a cop had seen me he might have begged to differ :) and I got ahead of him and then turned around to film him walking and cussing.

Apparently though he must have tuckered himself out from his earlier rant because as I passed by him his head was down and he was quiet. Anyway, it was pretty funny.

Thinking about him and one other thought I had all day long just about made my day at work a good one!

One more thing... sorry about my voice. I could honestly say that even on a good day and mean it. But, it is especially true now as the weather yesterday had gone from one extreme to the other and I am a little raspy.

This picture is from Fox Fire camp grounds in Milton, WV.

I hope everyone has a great night! And when everyone lays down to sleep tonight I fervently hope that there will be only good dreams! Take good care, my wonderful friend(s)!!!