Tuesday, January 08, 2013


Tuesday January 8, 2013 12:54 pm

I just got back home from a bike ride where I had gone this morning to film my video. I am still freezing as my face and hands are numb. I had on two pairs of sweats, a hooded sweatshirt, and my heavy winter coat and I was still cold. I put the stove top on when I walked in and warmed my fingers that way... for now I am still feeling like someone else I know :) Anyway, now that I can type I thought I would tell all of you about my day so far.

I'm only a little more than a week into attempting (again) being vegan in my choice of foods. Having said that, I do have to say that I like eating healthier. Early this morning for breakfast I had Bear Naked Granola with fresh blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries in a bowl with soy milk. (I think I might have bought that type of granola because I especially like it's name :) )

At this early stage to say I feel differently, or better, might only be a product of my imagination... I don't know? But it is true that we are what we eat and because of our diet, and for an otherwise healthy person you will either feel better or worse depending upon whatever it is that you are ingesting. To this point I believe I am at least a little more clear in my thinking? I have a friend who does periodic cleansing of her body using different food groups in order to get rid of toxicity in her body... I assume for the same reasons?

Think about it, every day we are inundated with poisons from our food intake with all of its additives and preservatives and from our environment. For example: according to OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) one-third of all laundry detergents that have an additive to make their detergent smell “fragrant” are doing so with chemicals which are toxic. (Many of these chemicals interfere with natural hormones in our body and can cause serial problems.) Just the chemicals in detergents alone are known to have caused birth defects and many different types of cancers. This same thing holds true for almost all household cleaners found in the average home in America.

In addition, daily we are bombarded with with electromagnetic energy from microwave ovens and radiation from color TV's and computer monitors. The government even has a standard of what they consider safe? (That is radiation exposure of 0.5 milliroentgen per hour anywhere around these devices which emit radiation.)

Studies which are too numerous to site all say the same thing: the new CFL bulb the government is requiring everyone to use leaks enough ultraviolet rays to permanently damage skin... much like a tanning bed does. In addition, each bulb also contains mercury in levels from 2.5 to 3.5 milligrams per bulb.

Of course there are also electromagnetic waves being absorbed and passing through our bodies from radios and even cell phones. Well known cancer-cluster studies have proven that people who live nearby, and especially under large power lines, have increased risks of different types of cancers of the brain.

It doesn't matter whether you spray it on, eat it, smell it, hear it, or even be in close proximity to a thousand different things you will come into contact with today... all of them will have a deleterious affect on your body. And I haven't even mentioned what you will breathe in today (on your ride home from work) that is being exhausted by the cars all around you. What about your water? I am always amazed that someone with even a small amount of common sense does not take the managers of water treatments plants to task over their absurd statements about main water supplies in cities having water as safe to drink as distilled or purified water that is store bought. That is patently absurd, and here is why.

You have probably seen different news reports where some manager of a plant will hold up a bottle of store bought water and water from their plant and show that they are very similar in their properties and both are safe to drink. Right? Why... I mean... Why God, why has there never been a news reporter who will ask one simple question that will show the absurdity of their claim. Here would be the question. “The water you are holding up has been cleaned at this plant and is safe to drink... but what about the water that has left your plant and has become contaminated by traveling through hundreds of miles of underground pipes which are decades old: filthy, rusty, and in need of repair.” And, even if the government replaced every underground water-pipe in America... the problem would still not be alleviated because many homes have pipes which run from the water meter to their own houses and these pipes are also old and decaying. So, even if the water leaves the treatment plant clean... it is well contaminated by the time it reaches your tap and you are wanting to drink it.

Well, I only started typing this with the idea that if you eat right then you might possibly feel better and think a little more clearly? As I started typing though I began thinking about everything else in life that will completely upstage any positive effects you might get from exercise and better foods. So, I guess just forget it... go and eat a greasy cheeseburger because it doesn't really matter anyway! Me, I am just going to go and get my wine and drink my troubles away... I'm only teasing :)

(After I had finished typing that last sentence I had to take a break from writing for a few minutes because one of my dogs had to go outside and make their toilet. As I stood there watching (I know, sick huh?) and probably because I have been writing about what we eat and smell I had an idea for an experiment you might want to try?)

I was going to say I would write this without being too gross... well forget that because how else could I write it and do it without being unseemly: if there is a way to do that, I just don't know how? Because the air outside was frigid and their excrement was warm, for all appearances the crap appeared to be “smoking?” Hence, I suppose, the old saying: “That is one steaming pile of dog s***”!!!

Anyway, because I was standing there with nothing better to do I got to thinking about how (according to science) we are able to smell anything. What I write next is true of all material... but especially things organic. Now, a molecule is a combination of two or more atoms and as organic material (in this case doggy do) begins to immediately break down and decay, molecules are released and these are breathed in through the nostrils by whoever is nearby and you are able to “smell” it.

So far so good? Okay, here is what I believe is true, but I would like to find a volunteer to prove whether or not it would work? Try this... find a dog, or cat, it doesn't really matter? (I started to say even up to an elephant but then as I pictured that in my mind I realized my experiment would take far too long to work and my friendly volunteer might become a little overwhelmed.) Okay, the next time you see a (small?) animal do their business, sidle up to that spot (just in case someone is watching) and standing directly above it begin inhaling deeply! If I am right, the molecules should begin breaking down more quickly and over due course of time I think it would be possible to inhale that entire thing up your nose! I honestly think that would be kind of like magic... you know, now you see it, now you don't :)

Anyway, if I have any takers out there please email me as I would pay good money to see someone try this. Videos please :)

I started to stop here and then I thought of something else... but only if this catches on? Years ago I would sometimes see a show on television called Name That Tune. The idea behind it was to have contestants compete for prizes and winners were determined by who could name a tune with the shortest numbers of bars being played. Anyway, maybe I could plant a seed today for some future television show. Perhaps something like: “Inhale A Pile.”

Players could converge around a fresh offering and they would begin to place their bets on who could do it the quickest. “Tom... I can do that pile in 3 days.” Another might say, “I can do it in two.” Then, perhaps a Durante lookalike would state, “I'll do it in one!” (And the crowd goes wild!!!)

I mean honestly... if a show with Honey Boo can make it, how could Inhale A Pile be any worse? One more thing, even if I have no takers and my show would never catch on... I do bet one thing will be remembered. Every time you smell something unpleasant you will probably be reminded that you are inhaling those nasty molecules right up your nose :) Yuck!!!

This video (in two parts) is a small spot along the Ohio River. It is the very famous starting point for the Lewis and Clark Expedition begun more than 200 years ago. Although some historians do not credit Louisville (and a particular point in Clarksville) as the actual starting point? They claim that although Lewis and Clark joined up and left from that point... the real journey did not begin until a later date. However, if you meet the party you are traveling with, and set off in pursuit of that goal... well, how is that not the starting point?