Monday, December 31, 2012


Monday December 31, 2012 5:40 pm

Well... part of one down and (at least) 89.5 days to go. lol I know this probably seems silly to most people but I was kind of excited all day today just knowing that I have put a plan into effect. On my lunch break I went to Walmart (which is directly across from where I work) and I bought a new jar of peanut butter for my vegan fare. Guess what's in it... go ahead, guess? If you said "peanuts" then you are correct! I like it whenever what you are supposed to be eating is all that is in the jar.

First thing I noticed though is that a lot of oil had separated and is on top... if I only knew what to do with that (:

Aaron is supposed to be speaking tonight, else I wouldn't be going to church this evening. But, he is slated to speak before ten so I will go there and listen to him and then I will immediately leave for the gym. I plan on being in the process of exercising this year when the proverbial ball drops. Then of course... it is another 5:00 am wake up call for me for work tomorrow and then I am off for two more days!

I really have nothing of importance to say, you know... like almost every other post I have ever typed (: However, I didn't want this day to pass without wishing those(?) I love more than life itself... a happy night and a wonderful new year!!!

Today, just like most everyone else on planet Earth I have been thinking about things that are past and what might lay ahead? Anyway, it would be nigh unto impossible to explain how those thoughts led me to think about Ireland... but they did. So, I want to end this tonight with an Irish blessing: especially to my friend(s).

May God be with you and bless you.
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortunes
and rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward.

I would like to add my own thoughts to that saying: ...... may all of your dreams come true in 2013 and my heartfelt prayer is that this year will be the happiest year of your life!!!!!!!