Thursday, January 03, 2013


Thursday January 3, 2013 1:15 am

I just got home from a "guys night out" scenario as all three sons in law and my pastor and his boy met at Brian's and we watched Louisville defeat Florida in their bowl game. I don't watch sports very often like I did when I was a younger man. However, this evening was fun because of all the bantering that goes on whenever a bunch of guys are watching a sporting event: especially when there are those in the group who are rooting for different teams.

Perhaps I will be doing something with this video post that I might not do again all year, and that is I am going to try and upload multiple videos. One reason I probably won't do it often is that it is more time consuming and in a couple of weeks school starts back for me. Anyway, this morning though I am going to try it. The first video is when I am pulling into the back entrance for Planet Fitness.

This second video I am on a bike and getting ready to try an Elliptical?

I have some good news to report... the Elliptical didn't throw me off... but I was a little shaky on it. This last video I am in my very favorite bed in all the world!!! Well, now that I see that in print... I would have to say this bed would be my second favorite bed that I could possibly imagine being in :)

Also, for those who might read this post and have never heard me speak I want to apologize. Even without a sore throat I don't like the sound of my voice... but especially now I don't!

One more thing: sometime later today after I video whatever it is that I am wanting to record I will write another blog for this date (3rd) as well. By doing it this way I won't always be running one day behind in what I am uploading.