Sunday, January 13, 2013


Sunday January 13, 2013 8:57 am

Good morning! This will probably be the last day (at least for awhile) that I post two blogs. I have already been up for several hours and I have done everything I can possibly find to do and I have run out of things to do... so, I just wanted to write.

Tomorrow I start back with my on-line classes so I know I won't have as much free time, because of that I am taking advantage of that now. Today is two weeks into being vegan and I have to say that I am enjoying this go around much better than any I have in the past. Perhaps it is just that going in I told myself that this is for a 90 day period only? In the past I guess I was imagining eating like this all the time and that thought probably set me up for failure. However, I say this part kind of quietly hoping my brain doesn't hear what words I am thinking... (lol) this vegan thing could be forever? I just don't know?

Tomorrow morning will be my second weekly weigh in. I believe for these two weeks I will be down 12 pounds. Although that is okay... I still have a long way to go as my goal this time is to get well below 200 pounds: 185 to be exact. Yesterday I got in a couple of good workouts and this afternoon after church I will be heading back to Planet Fitness.

I just finished breakfast. This morning it was one pancake (vegan mix) with natural peanut butter and fresh strawberries. I also had coffee with soy milk. After many years of having done it, a couple of weeks ago I quit drinking coffee with powdered creamer in it because I was told that it was "gross."What's funny is that I never realized that before :)

After I get home from church and before leaving for the gym I will post a video for this date also. I meant to keep this light... but sometimes I feel overwhelmed with loss. Whenever I start having these thoughts and in an attempt to buoy my spirits I sort of try to trick my own mind. Because I believe that things ought to be logical I ask myself a very logical question. How is it possible to "feel loss" for that which I have never had?

Usually though I get the same response from my brain. "Good try buddy, but it just ain't gonna work!" So, I resign myself to feeling crappy all day ):

I suppose I need to stop this and go and shave, get dressed and ready to leave. I hope all who reads this has a wonderful and fun day on this overcast and rainy day.